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Here is Volume 7, Number 08 of eNEWS.
To open a different issue, please select it from the archive following this issue.

An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews April 25, 2008 Volume VII, Number 08

or Flat?

Every April 15th--Tax Day--taxpayers across the country are reminded of just how bad the federal tax code has become. It has become so large--67,000 pages and growing--that it is nearly impossible for taxpayers to file their taxes with confidence that they did it right. And it has become so complex that the IRS estimates we spend about 6.4 billion hours preparing our taxes and over $265 billion in compliance costs for things like computer software, accountants, or other tax preparation services--which is money taken directly out of our pockets and used to purchase things we would not ordinarily buy.

Yet the problems with our tax code don't end there. Our tax code has some very serious harmful social consequences as well. Consider, for example, that tax credits and deductions push us toward making certain decisions about when to get married, how many children to have, what type of home to buy, and even when would be the most economically advantageous time to die!

It is clear that our tax code is broken! I believe we need to completely replace the current tax system with one that is simple, transparent, and fair to everyone. We need to wipe the slate clean and start again. And after studying the many options available, I believe a flat tax is a better alternative to the current system, which is why I have sponsored the Tax Simplification Act, S. 1040, to replace the current system with a flat tax. Even though it's a long, difficult road, the thought of filling out my taxes on a form the size of a postcard keeps me going.

about fixing our broken tax code in my Tax Reform Issue Briefing
my brief video showing how simple filing our taxes could be
to my Senate Floor Statement made on Tax Day
me about your views on issues important to you

Which of these methods best describes how you filed your tax return?

A) Did it myself

B) Bought tax prep software

C) Paid for online service

D) Paid an accounting firm

E) Hired a personal accountant

You may prefer to open the online eVIEWS ballot directly in your browser:

On April 11, subscribers were asked:
Which of these Charlton Heston roles is your favorite?

A) Moses    [30%, 93 votes]
B) Ben-Hur    [13%, 42 votes]
C) Rodrigo    [3%, 8 votes]
D) Col. Taylor    [9%, 28 votes]
E) Will Penny    [4%, 14 votes]
F) Pres., NRA    [41%, 126 votes]

Washington Report

Taxes: How much you work to pay them and what is wrong with the code that regulates them. Credits for home owners and buyers.

   Watch current issue

Nancy Pelosi...
can kill our
farm policy.

-No More Farm Bill Extensions,
April 17, 2008

More news from the U.S. Senate:

Craig Continues to Press Farm Bill Conferees -4/24/08
Craig Optimistic Owyhee Initiative Concerns Can Be Resolved -4/22/08
Craig Says No More Farm Bill Extensions -4/17/08
Weather, Water...and Congress Challenges for the American Farmer -4/17/08
Craig Stresses Importance of Transportation Infrastructure -4/16/08
Craig Calls For Iraq To Fund Its Own Infrastructure -4/16/08
Craig Urges Cooperation With Locals As Fire Season Approaches -4/15/08
Craig On Tax Day Renews Call For Flat Tax -4/15/08
The Future's So Bright... Idaho's Gotta Wear Shades -4/11/08
Craig, Crapo Seek Emergency Funding For Counties -4/11/08

Celebrate Arbor Day

Everyone agrees we want a healthy environment, but there are varying opinions on what we should do to achieve it. One step virtually anyone can take is to plant a tree this weekend in celebration of Arbor Day. This simple act will help to stabilize soil, clean our air, and even store carbon dioxide and reduce greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

I am drafting legislation to improve forest health while at the same time reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere. I look forward to debating this idea with my colleagues, because I see this as an opportunity for success that all Americans can participate in, and make every day an Arbor Day.

Learn more about Climate Change

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