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Here is Volume 6, Number 17 of eNEWS.
To open a different issue, please select it from the archive following this issue.

An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews August 23, 2007 Volume VI, Number 17

Idaho's Capitol Connection

August is typically a slow month in Washington, DC; because of the state work period, the Senate is not debating any new legislation right now. I've been using the month to ramp up work on my website—adding new features while refining older ones. One of the things I learned from talking to Idahoans is that we appreciate the easy access to information the Internet can provide. Two of the new sections give up-to-date information on important topics: the Floor Journal follows daily action on bills being debated on the Senate floor, like the upcoming Department of Defense Authorization bill. Hot Topics gives you concise information about newsworthy topics, like increases in CAFE standards.

There are many other features of my website you may not be familiar with. I recently added three new Issue Briefings—on Health Care, the Second Amendment, and Issues for Older Americans. I've also got a Spanish website and an updated Kids Club website, where kids can now create and print out their own, personal "Bill of Rights." Finally, did you know you can learn how to order a flag, request a tour, email me, ask a Podchat question, and read all my editorials online? You can also watch videos from the Senate floor, listen to my podcasts, or view Idaho news videos in my Idaho Newsreel. It's all just a click away.

my briefings on important topics
my list of Hot Topics and see where I stand
with your views on the Internet, technology, or other issues.

In considering all of the important issues facing our nation at this time, what do you believe is the most critical issue that Congress must address before year's end?

Subscribers are invited to access the online ballot from the emailed version of eNEWS.

On August 10, subscribers were asked:

Some in Congress have proposed raising the federal fuel tax to pay for bridge and highway infrastructure repairs. Would you support such a proposal?

A) Yes, at whatever price it would take    [10%, 74 votes]
B) Yes, as long as the tax was less than 5 cents per gallon   [17%, 127 votes]
C) No, I don't support any increase in the fuel tax    [73%, 536 votes]

Fact or Fiction

What you see isn't always what you get on the Internet

While the easy access to information is great, the speed with which cyber-rumors can spread on the Internet is amazing. I recently unveiled a new addition to my website to counteract such misinformation. It's called Fact or Fiction, and tackles topics ranging from the Law of the Sea Treaty to the NAFTA superhighway. Next time you get an email telling you something about the government that sounds just too strange to believe, like illegal aliens receiving Social Security or an email tax, check out Fact or Fiction.

Fact or Fiction
The truth is here

Of course, some might question why it matters for Idaho to have a voice in the judicial branch. They might point out that judges are supposed to be impartial, and their personal philosophy or experiences shouldn't influence how they judge a case. That is true, to a point.

- An Equal Voice
an editorial by
Senator Larry Craig

In my opinion:

"Some in Congress have argued that the best way to avoid another disaster like the Minneapolis collapse is to raise the federal gas tax. I disagree"—Don't Take a Hike -8/16/07

"Sadly, nearly eight months into the 110th Congress, Democrat leadership leaves a lot of us asking, 'Where's the beef?' "— Where's the Beef? -8/9/07

"Republicans, myself included, define fiscal responsibility as keeping taxes low and managing the growth of government spending. Democrats define it as raising taxes to increase spending."—Where is the Fiscal Responsibility? -8/2/07

Current Event

Pulaski Trail Hike

Each year, I receive hundreds of applications for assistance in securing federal funding for specific Idaho or regional projects and programs, as well as for national programs. I carefully review each project and program to ensure that it is fiscally responsible and fulfills specific Idaho or national needs that would otherwise not be met.

Not only does my website list every project for which I have secured funding, I also check to see how tax dollars are spent. I recently traveled to Wallace to see how work is progressing on the Pulaski Trail—a project I helped fund.

Event Details

The Silver Mouse

Earlier this year, my website was chosen as one of the best websites on Capitol Hill by the Congressional Management Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting a more effective Congress. The CMF presented me with a "Silver Mouse Award," ranking my site as the eighth best in the U.S. Senate. Congressional sites were judged on a variety of criteria, such as audience identification, content, usability, interactivity, and innovation.

While CMF's Silver Mouse Award gives me an idea about where my website stands among those of my congressional colleagues, what really matters to me is that my site effectively serves Idahoans. I hope that if you have a suggestion for improvement, or encounter any problems, you will let me know. Only with your help can my website and the online services I offer become the best they can possibly be.

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