Committee on Rules

May 16, 1999 (2:00 p.m.)

Amendments Submitted to H.R. 4205 - National Defense Authorization Act, FY 2001

(in alphabetical order)

Abercrombie #11 Allows the developers of housing for military personnel and their families to be eligible to use the federal 4% low-income housing bond program.

Aderholt #68 Amendment to the Vitter amendment clarifying that both THAAD and NTW are necessary to meet our defense needs against the emerging ballistic missile threats. BMDO will have the authority to decide which missile threats require testing against a national missile defense system. If THAAD is ready for an intercept test before NTW, THAAD will not be delayed and no funds will be transferred from THAAD to NTW.

Allen/McGovern/Gejdenson #38 Gives the Pentagon the flexibility to retire or dismantle strategic nuclear delivery systems that are in excess of military requirements, contingent on a Presidential certification that such reductions do not undermine our nuclear deterrent or continued Russian dismantlement of strategic nuclear delivery systems. The amendment also extends the certification currently applicable to Trident submarines to other delivery systems.

Andrews/Weldon (PA) #1 Accelerates the tracking and identification of computer hackers.

Baca #36 Increases to at least 90% the gold content of the Congressional Medal of Honor. The medal currently consists of primarily brass metal.

Bachus #53 Requires the consent of a member of Armed Forces before the Secretary administers any investigational new drug or drug unapproved for its applied use to that member.

Baird #65 Provides for the transfer of the U.S. Army Barracks at Fort Vancouver in Vancouver, Washington to the City of Vancouver. (Revised)

Bateman #30 Expresses the Sense of Congress that local public elementary and secondary schools serving large numbers of military dependent students are eligible for Federal Impact Aid for repairs, renovation, or maintenance of those school facilities.

Bereuter #25 Streamlines the DoD's management of all five Regional Centers for Strategic Studies in various parts of the world; consolidates existing authority to waive reimbursement of certain costs; and authorizes the employment and compensation of Regional Center directors, faculty and staff at competitive rates.

Berman #26 Authorizes $1 million to support the continuation of informal Middle East arms control and regional security dialogues for Arab, Israeli and U.S. officials and experts. The amendment also reduces the amount provided for Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid programs by $1 million.

Berkley #99 Compensates employees of the Department of Energy and its contractors who contracted radiation, beryllium, silica, or related occupational illnesses. (Revised) LATE

Bilirakis #3 Modifies the eligibility requirements for special compensation for certain severely disabled military retirees.

Blagojevich #88 Strikes the bill's existing language on use of land on the island of Vieques, and replaces it with language that would convey federal land on Vieques to the Government of Puerto Rico. The amendment authorizes $40 million in economic assistance for the residents of Vieques. LATE

Bliley/Barton #55 Modifies sections 3261 and 3296 of the bill to clarify that all environmental, safety, and health provisions continue to apply to the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to the same extent those provisions applied prior to the effective implementation date of the NNSA.

Bliley/Barton #56 Clarifies that the Assistant Secretary of Energy for Environment, Safety, and Health has the authority to enforce Section 234A of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, over the entire Department of Energy complex.

Bliley/Barton #57 Eliminates the exemption of nonprofit DOE contractors from civil penalties for the violation of DOE rules, regulations, or orders pertaining to nuclear safety.

Bliley/Barton #58 Strengthens internal security oversight within the DOE by authorizing an Office of Independent Security Oversight to conduct independent security reviews of the Department's security performance, including computer security.

Bryant #16 Amends the section of the bill creating a new sentence in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) of life without parole and clarifies that Congress' intent in creating a life without parole sentence in the UCMJ was that clemency would not apply.

Buyer #27 Makes technical corrections to the Army National Guard's selective reserve, active-guard and reserve (AGR), and military technician (dual status) end strengths for fiscal year 2001.

Camp #67 Authorizes service Secretaries to specify a later time of death for disability retirement purposes for members of the armed services who die in civilian medical facilities. The amendment requires that the time of death determined by the service Secretary be consistent with the time of death that would be determined if the member had died in a military facility which shall not be later than 48 hours after the time of death determined by the civilian medical facility.

Coburn #75 Requires the Secretary of Defense to develop, no later than October 1, 2000, a comprehensive plan to ensure full compliance by the DoD with all statutory and regulatory financial management requirements applicable to the Department.

Coburn #76 Requires the General Accounting Office to do a comprehensive audit of the DoD.

Coburn #77 Requires the General Accounting Office to do a comprehensive audit of the DoD and requires the Secretary of Defense to develop a comprehensive plan to ensure full compliance by the DoD with all statutory and regulatory financial management requirements applicable to the Department no later than October 1, 2000.

Condit #51 Requires that members who join the Armed Services be given a written statement of the benefits to which they will be entitled should they attain retirement status.

Cox/Markey #66 Blocks any United States Government entity from entering into arrangements to accept liability or extend an indemnity for nuclear accidents occurring in North Korea.

Cox/Dicks #100 Requires the President to seek to enter into binding end-use verification agreements that would allow U.S. officials to inspect the end-use and end-user of any U.S. High Performance Computer (HPC) exported to a Tier III (High Proliferation Risk) country. In the absence of such an agreement, all licenses for exports of HPC's to Tier III countries must include a requirement for end-use verification or the President may certify that a similarly effective system is already in place to ensure end-use and end-user verification. LATE

DeFazio #31 Requires our Persian Gulf allies to shoulder a larger share of the costs of U.S. forces located in the region.

DeFazio #32 Reduces funding for procurement of low-rate initial production aircraft in the F-22 program.

DeFazio #46 Strikes Sec. 3402 of the bill relating to the disposal of obsolete vessels in the National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF) and substitutes language authorizing a pilot NDRF ship scrapping program under the Maritime Administration (MARAD). The pilot program, authorized at $40 million annually, would allow MARAD to pay qualifying U.S. shipyards to scrap its obsolete vessels.

DeFazio #47 Requires that certain conditions be met before any obsolete vessel is disposed of in a foreign country.

DeFazio #48 Strikes Sec. 3402 of the bill relating to the disposal of obsolete vessels in the National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF) and substitutes language authorizing a pilot NDRF ship scrapping program under the Maritime Administration (MARAD). The pilot program, authorized at $40 million annually, would allow MARAD to pay qualifying U.S. shipyards to scrap its obsolete vessels and eliminates the requirement that MARAD dispose of its vessels "in a manner that maximizes the return on the vessels to the United States."

DeFazio #49 Prohibits any vessel from being disposed of in a foreign country, as authorized in the bill, unless the disposal is done in a manner compliant with U.S. environmental protection, labor and safety laws.

DeFazio #50 Strikes Sec. 3402 of the bill relating to the disposal of obsolete vessels in the Natl. Defense Reserve Fleet.

DeGette #24 Authorizes a range of appropriations for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Defense-wide for environmental technology research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E).

Dreier/Skelton/Gilman #59 Shortens the waiting period from 180 days to 60 days for Congress to review a proposed adjustment in the performance level that defines high-speed computers and excludes any days in which the House or Senate is in sine die adjournment.

Dreier/Gilman #60 Shortens the waiting period from 180 days to 30 days for Congress to review a proposed adjustment in the performance level that defines high-speed computers and excludes any days in which the House or Senate is in sine die adjournment.

Fowler #79 Exempts the collection of certain data from burdensome provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, assuring a continuous data collection effort that meets military planners' requirements without imposing addition costs or difficulties on contractors.

Fowler #80 Expresses the Sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense has not complied with the requirements in the bill which require him to publish and update a list of Communist Chinese military companies operating in the U.S.

Fowler #81 Clarifies that the Secretary of Defense may delegate the authority to submit reports required by Section 364 only to the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense of Installations or his superiors in the DoD.

Frank/Luther #21 Reduces the total Defense authorization by 1% from the amount proposed in the bill. In carrying out such a reduction, no cuts can be made in the operations and maintenance account or from personnel accounts.

Frank/DeFazio #22 Expresses the Sense of Congress welcoming the initiative of our European allies to create an integrated military force capable of responding to threats within Europe, and stating that our European allies should have primary responsibility for providing ground forces for military operations in Europe.

Gilchrest #43 Urges the Secretary of Defense to pursue funding for five additional Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST) which will result in a total of 32 WMD-CST's nationwide by the end of FY 2001. (REVISED)

Hall(OH)/Hobson #2 Creates a three-year pilot program permitting the Air Force to offer early outs and retirement bonuses to up to 1,000 employees each year for the purpose of maintaining continuity of skills among employees and to hire workers with critically needed technical skills. (REVISED)

Hansen #70 Clarifies that section 312 of the bill is intended only to protect future flexibility of DoD airspace to accomplish low level training.

Hayes #39 Ensures that Section 3157 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 1998 is consistent with Section 1211 of that same Act regarding export control thresholds for computer exports to Tier III countries.

Hayworth #19 Authorizes $240,000 to be spent for the design of an Army National Guard Center in Gilbert, Arizona. The center will be a multi-purpose facility that can be used by the town and the Army National Guard.

Hefley #6 Authorizes the Secretary of the Air Force to convey, without consideration, or to lease approximately 23 acres at the former Lowry Air Force Base, Colorado, to the Lowry Redevelopment Authority for the furtherance of economic development and other public purposes.

Hill (IN)#62 Allows no cost economic development conveyances for non-BRAC military installations and establishes fair procedures for communities that have lost military installations but cannot take advantage of a new DoD economic development program.

Hoeffel #37 Authorizes a $1.5 million study, to be performed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, that would identify technologies funded by the Department of Defense that could be adapted for civilian use in order to improve the mobility and quality of life of elderly Americans and Americans of all ages with disabilities.

Hoekstra #69 WITHDRAWN

Hunter #9 Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report regarding the costs associated with Operation Allied Force.

Hunter #10 Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report detailing the economic analysis on the benefits of incrementally funding the CVN(X) class of carriers and the LHD class of ships. (Revised)

Kasich/Shays/Frank/Condit/Bachus #8 Makes the U.S. ground forces in Kosovo conditional on Presidentially-certified progress by our European allies. Requires the President, before April 1, 2001, to submit a report on commitment and delivery of certain types of aid to Kosovo by the European Commission, members of the European Union, and European members of NATO. The President must also certify by that date that these nations and organizations have met a specified percentage of their aid pledges.

Kucinich #71 Authorizes the Department of Defense Inspector General's office to conduct a study on the effectiveness and use of cluster weapons throughout the Kosovo conflict beginning March 26, 1999.

Lampson #20 Amends the Maritime Administration (MARAD) section of the bill to release a promissory note of $196,490.75 to MARAD, provided the Offshore Energy Center continues to operate the rig as a public museum.

Largent #54 Strikes subsection 2 of Section 2813 which authorizes the competitive privatization of military utilities distribution patterns.

Largent #101 WITHDRAWN

Lofgren #83 Corrects an unintended consequence resulting from the shift of the export licensing of commercial satellites from the Department of Commerce to the Department of State (P.L. 105-261) by providing a specific exception for scientific satellites and related items intended for basic and applied research in science and engineering where the resulting information is ordinarily published and shared broadly within the scientific community.

Luther/Ramstad/Frank #23 Concludes further production of the Trident II (D-5) submarine-launched ballistic missile.

McCarthy (NY) #87 Strikes Section 810 of the bill, which would prohibit DoD from making preferences of firearms vendors based on their decision to abide by a certain code of conduct. LATE

McKeon #18 Funds a study, plan and design for clean up of perchlorates in the City of Santa Clarita, California, resulting from munitions development and production for the Department of Defense. (REVISED)

Markey #64 Clarifies the policy of the U.S. regarding deployment of a national missile defense system to state that the U.S. should not deploy a system that defends against ballistic missiles from any nation that is either a member of the World Trade Organization or has permanent normal trade relations with the U.S.

Miller, Gary #84 Expresses the Sense of Congress that the DoD must focus on upgrading information technology systems to allow seamless and interoperable communications. (REVISED)

Moakley #45 Repeals authority for the School of the Americas and authorizes a Congressional task force to critically assess training of Latin American soldiers by the U.S. and report its findings to Congress. (REVISED)

Nethercutt #44 Requires the disclosure of all relevant research on the safety and efficacy of the anthrax vaccine to peer-reviewed journals; establishes a statistically significant active long-term monitoring program to document the relative safety of the vaccine; prohibits additional extraordinary contractual relief for the anthrax contractor; suspends the anthrax vaccination program until certain conditions are met; and authorizes $5 million to accelerate work on the second generation anthrax vaccine being jointly developed by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and the National Institute of Health.

Peterson (MN) #41 WITHDRAWN

Rodriguez #5 Authorizes a grant program within the DoD to assist school districts with major repair and renovation costs of facilities used to educate more than 80,000 children of military personnel.

Ryun #40 Enables the Dept. of the Army and the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs to agree to a transfer of property at Ft. Riley, KS for the purpose of establishing a State-operated veterans cemetery.

Sanchez/Morella/Lowey #85 Restores equal access to health services at overseas military hospitals to servicemen and women and their dependents stationed overseas. LATE

Sanford #28 Authorizes an additional Base Realignment and Closure Commission round for FY 2001 and stipulates that all commissioners would be named after Jan. 21, 2001.

Sanford #29 Eliminates 10 U.S.C. Sec. 381 and 10 U.S.C. 2576a which authorize the Secretary of Defense to convey surplus military property to local governments at less than fair market prices.

Schakowsky #96 Earmarks a symbolic amount ($1 million or more) of the $283 million that was added to the President's Ballistic Missile Defense account request for the development of a diplomatic initiative with North Korea to negotiate an end to its ballistic missile program. LATE

Schakowsky #97 Designates DoD funds to fight AIDS in Africa and around the world, since the President has now declared it a national security threat. LATE

Schakowsky #98 Strikes $283 million from the Ballistic Missile Defense account budget which is equal to that which was added to the President's request for Ballistic Missile Defense. LATE

Shows #4 Deletes language in the bill, which would extend military retiree health care test programs and create a commission to study military retiree health care issues. Replaces it with language providing the option of fully paid FEHBP coverage to military retirees who entered the service prior to June 7, 1956, and allows all military retirees the option of participating in FEHBP, or remaining in TRICARE after age 65. Caps participation at 300,000 retirees with preference given to those who are Medicare eligible. The amendment also addresses cost and funding issues.

Skelton #15 Shortens the waiting period from 180 days to 45 days that Congress has to review a proposed adjustment in the performance level that defines supercomputers.

Skelton #42 Strikes Title XV of the bill as reported, and substitutes language which would authorize the conveyance of the land at the western end of the island of Vieques, with certain exceptions, and in accordance with the President's negotiated position with the government of Puerto Rico.

Skelton #52 Requires the Comptroller General to conduct a study on the value to American national security interests of the engagement of our military forces in Europe and from military strategies employed to shape the international security environment in Europe. (Revised)

Skelton #82 WITHDRAWN

Spence #78 Amends the review period for changes to the high-performance computer export control notification threshold and reduces the current 180-day waiting period preceding the implementation of threshold adjustments of less than 10,000 Millions of Theoretical Operations per Second to 30 legislative days.

Stark #34 Requires contractors to pay for all costs of U.S. military participation at foreign air shows and trade exhibitions.

Stearns #93 Establishes a National Security Consultative Group within Congress, designed to facilitate communication between Congress and the Executive Branch in relation to the deployment of the United States Armed Forces per any military action, peacekeeping, peace enforcement, or humanitarian assistance. LATE

Stearns #95 Makes coverage and reimbursement for physical and occupational therapy by TRICARE comparable to other entities providing the same benefits. LATE

Stenholm/Thune #61 Improves access to health care under the TRICARE system by eliminating non-availability statements (NAS) and pre-authorization requirements for TRICARE standard beneficiaries to receive care; and eliminates the requirement for an NAS to receive care in specialized treatment facilities outside the 200 mile radius of a military facility.

Tauscher/Lofgren #89 Reduces the Congressional review period for changes in the composite theoretical performance levels of high-speed computers from 180 days to 30 days. LATE

Taylor(MS)/Abercrombie/Bartlett/Jones (NC) #35 Expands and makes permanent an existing DoD TRICARE Senior Prime demonstration program, more commonly known as Medicare Subvention.

Thornberry #72 Prohibits officers and employees of the National Nuclear Security Administration from holding any other position within the DoE.

Thornberry #73 Directs the National Nuclear Security Agency to submit a report to update their implementation plan.

Thornberry #74 Establishes a three year term for the Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Thornberry #94 Provides for a three year term for the Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA); requires an update of the DoE plan to implement the provisions of Title 32 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2000; and prohibits non-NNSA DoE officers and employees from serving concurrently in the NNSA. LATE

Traficant #12 Assigns, at the request of the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury, military personnel to assist in patrolling our borders for weapons of mass destruction, prohibited drugs and narcotics, and other terrorist or drug trafficking items.

Traficant #13 Requires an audit be performed on the purchasing of clothing items by certain military installations to determine whether they are in compliance with Federal "Buy American" statutes.

Traficant #14 Requires that expenditures made under the bill conform to the Buy American Act and expresses the Sense of the Congress that entities spending funds made available through the bill purchase American-made goods where possible and establishes penalties for fraudulently labeling an item as "Made in America".

Udall (CO) #63 Allows DoE to authorize additional accumulation of annual leave; payment of lump-sum retention allowances; details of employees to other duties; and voluntary separation incentive payments.

Underwood #17 Defines the terms "United States" in a geographic sense to mean "the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and any Commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States" for the scope of the reports required by section 233, which requires reports on the ballistic missile threat posed by North Korea.

Velazquez #86 Directs the Secretary of Defense to conduct a comprehensive study on contract bundling and its effects on small business, and develop a database containing information on all bundled contracts. LATE

Velazquez #90 Creates a pilot project giving the SBA Administrator greater flexibility in enforcing current law regarding contract bundling. Allows the SBA Administrator final approval on all bundled contracts. LATE

Vitter/Tauzin/Jefferson #91 Provides $5 million in Navy RDT&E funding for the Navy Single Integrated Human Resource Strategy (SIHRS). this $5 million increase is offset by a $5 million reduction in procurment funds for Satellite Communication Systems. (REVISED)

Vitter/Weldon(PA)/Sessions #92 Directs the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization to conduct an intercept test of the Navy Theater-Wide system against intermediate range ballistic missiles currently in the arsenal of North Korea and Iran. (REVISED)

Weldon (FL) #33 Establishes a commission to review the future of the American aerospace industry.

Whitfield/Strickland/Kanjorski/Wamp/Gibbons/Udall(CO) #7 Expresses the sense of Congress that workers at DoE nuclear weapons facilities and at vendor sites were exposed to beryllium, radiation, silica and other toxic materials without their knowledge and that those same workers are now experiencing increased incidents of illness and death resulting from that exposure.

* Summaries derived from information submitted by the amendment sponsors.