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July 10, 2007  
Senator Collins’ Legislation Honors Fallen Fire Fighters
Washington, DC - The International Association of Fire Chiefs recently thanked Senator Susan Collins, co-chair of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, for her legislation to honor America’s fallen firefighters. The Fallen Firefighter Resolution—which passed the Senate last month—mandates that all United States flags at all Federal facilities be lowered to half-staff on the day of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

A full text of the letter follows:

June 18, 2007

The Honorable Susan Collins
Ranking Member
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20024

Dear Ranking Member Collins,

On behalf of the nearly 13,000 chief fire and emergency officers that comprise the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), I would like to thank you for supporting the National Firefighter Memorial Service by sponsoring S. Res. 171.

Your extensive work on this resolution has honored the fire service, survivors of fallen firefighters, and the nation as a whole. This resolution will aid in broadening awareness of the sacrifices firefighters have made and continue to make for their communities by calling on federal agencies to fly the Untied States flag at half-staff on Sunday, October 7, the day of the National Memorial Service.

I would also like to thank your staff members for their efforts to draft, introduce, and pass this important legislation. Kate Alford and Andy Weis, in particular, have been tremendously helpful over the past two months on this issue. Furthermore, they have managed to provide this excellent level of service at a very busy time for your committee.

Once again, thank you for your leadership on behalf of the National Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service.


Chief James B. Harmes, CFO
International Association of Fire Chiefs

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510