For more information about DES, call one of the DES consumer organizations. Or call the National Cancer Institute, or the American Cancer Society. Phone numbers and addresses are listed on the following pages.

DES Consumer Organizations

DES Sons Network
104 Sleepy Hollow Place
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
(609) 795-1658

A national network providing information and support for men exposed to DES before birth (DES Sons), and counseling for men with testicular cancer.


DES Action USA
1615 Broadway, #510
Oakland, CA 94612
1 (800) DES-9288 or (510) 465-4011

A national consumer organization representing DES mothers, daughters and sons. Dedicated to informing the public and health professionals about the effects of DES and what can be done about them, and to promoting DES research. Offers physician referrals, special publications, and a quarterly newsletter (DES Action Voice).


The DES Cancer Network
1678 Shattuck Avenue #2
Berkeley, CA 94709-1631
Phone: 1 (800) DES-NET-4

A national non-profit consumer organization for women who have had DES-related cancer, their families and health professionals. The DCN is dedicated to research advocacy, education, and support with a special emphasis on coping with cancer caused by exposure to DES. Offers peer support, medical referrals, and a newsletter.

Health Organizations

American Cancer Society
1599 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329
1 (800) ACS-2345

A nationwide voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, by saving lives from cancer, and by diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education and service.


National Cancer Institute
Cancer Information Service
M-F 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
1 (800) 4-CANCER or 1 (800) 422-6237

A national service providing accurate, up-to-date information on cancer to patients and their families, to health professionals and to the general public.


1310 Broadway
Somerville, MA 02144
(617) 623-0744

A nationwide consumer organization serving people who are experiencing the infertility crisis. Strives to increase the visibility of infertility issues via concerted advocacy and public education.

Other Booklets in This Series

Call the DES Hotline closest to you or any of the DES Consumer organizations to request other booklets in this series.

DES Fact Sheet

DES: Introductory Booklet

DES Daughters

DES: The Basic Booklet

Women Who Took DES

Talking About DES: A Guide for Families

Clear Cell Cancer

The National DES Education Program: A Description

National DES Education Program

On October 9, 1992, Congress approved an amendment to the Public Health Service Act to carry out research and education on the drug DES (diethylstilbestrol). In 1993 the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development launched the National DES Education Program. Five geographic areas are currently included in this program: California, Massachusetts, Texas, Wisconsin, and New York.

This booklet is one of a series that provides health information about DES, and includes the most recent information about medical risks associated with it. Recommended actions for early detection and treatment of DES-related medical conditions are described in full. We hope this publication will help the millions of mothers, daughters, and sons exposed to DES.

National Cancer Institute
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
National Institutes of Health
Baylor College of Medicine
California Public Health Foundation
Education Development Center, Inc.
New England Research Institutes
University of Wisconsin
DES Action USA
DES Cancer Network
DES Sons Network


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