Title 45--Public Welfare



TEXT PDF1180.1 Purpose of museum services program.
TEXT PDF1180.2 Scope of this document.
TEXT PDF1180.3 Definition of museum.
TEXT PDF1180.4 Other definitions.
TEXT PDF1180.5 Eligibility and burden of proof--Who may apply.
TEXT PDF1180.6 Related institutions.
TEXT PDF1180.7 General Operating Support.
TEXT PDF1180.8 Two-year grant period.
TEXT PDF1180.9 Limitation on amount of General Operating Support grants.
TEXT PDF1180.10 Allowable costs.
TEXT PDF1180.11 Basic requirements which a museum must meet to be considered for funding.
TEXT PDF1180.12 How applications are judged.
TEXT PDF1180.13 Criteria for evaluation of applications for General Operating Support.
TEXT PDF1180.15 Duration of grants.
TEXT PDF1180.16 Contributions, restricted accounts.
TEXT PDF1180.17 Reports.
TEXT PDF1180.18 Maintenance of effort.
TEXT PDF1180.20 Guidelines and standards for conservation projects.
TEXT PDF1180.30 Publication of an application notice; content of the notice.
TEXT PDF1180.31 Information in the application notice.
TEXT PDF1180.32 Deadline date for applications.
TEXT PDF1180.33 Applicants must meet procedural rules.
TEXT PDF1180.34 Number of copies.
TEXT PDF1180.35 Group applications.
TEXT PDF1180.36 Rejection of an application.
TEXT PDF1180.37 Rejection for technical deficiency--appeal; reconsideration; waiver.
TEXT PDF1180.38 How grants are processed.
TEXT PDF1180.39 Applications not selected for funding.
TEXT PDF1180.41 The cost analysis; basis for grant amount.
TEXT PDF1180.42 The notification of grant award.
TEXT PDF1180.43 Effect of the grant.
TEXT PDF1180.44 Federal statutes and regulations on nondiscrimination.
TEXT PDF1180.45 Use of consultants in Special Projects.
TEXT PDF1180.46 Evaluation by the grantee.
TEXT PDF1180.47 Federal evaluation--Cooperation by a grantee.
TEXT PDF1180.48 General conditions on publications.
TEXT PDF1180.49 Copyright policy for grantees.
TEXT PDF1180.50 Definition of ``materials.''
TEXT PDF1180.51 Compliance with statutes, regulations, and its approved grant application.
TEXT PDF1180.52 The grantee administers or supervises the grant.
TEXT PDF1180.53 Fiscal control and fund accounting procedures.
TEXT PDF1180.54 Obligation of funds during the grant period.
TEXT PDF1180.55 Prohibition of subgrants.
TEXT PDF1180.56 Records related to grant funds.
TEXT PDF1180.57 Records related to compliance.
TEXT PDF1180.58 Records related to performance.
TEXT PDF1180.59 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1180.70 Purpose of program.
TEXT PDF1180.71 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF1180.72 Allowable costs.
TEXT PDF1180.73 Form of assistance; limitation on amount.
TEXT PDF1180.74 Conditions of participation.
TEXT PDF1180.75 Funding and award procedures.
TEXT PDF1180.76 Responsibility of a museum.
TEXT PDF1180.77 Contracts and cooperative agreements with professional museum organizations.
TEXT PDF1180.78 Technical training and implementation grants to museums.
TEXT PDF1180.80 Scope.
TEXT PDF1180.81 General rule.
TEXT PDF1180.82 Application to NMSB committees.
TEXT PDF1180.83 Record vote.
TEXT PDF1180.84 Public announcement of meetings.
TEXT PDF1180.85 Changes in time or place of meeting.
TEXT PDF1180.86 Changes in subject matter of meeting.
TEXT PDF1180.87 Publication of announcements.
TEXT PDF1180.88 Reasons and procedures for closing meetings.
TEXT PDF1180.89 Requests to close meetings.
TEXT PDF1180.90 Materials related to closed portions of meetings.
TEXT PDF1180.91 Opening of transcript or recording of closed meeting.
