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What's New

Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs

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bullet Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate (1/18/01)
bullet Press Statement: U.S. Opposes Exports of Whale Products from Norway (1/8/01)
bullet Letter from the President: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (1/8/01)
bullet International Space Station Cooperation Review Meeting. Joint Statement from the International Space Station Partners, Berlin, Germany (12/12/00)
bullet Agreement Reached on Global Treaty to Ban Persistent Organic Pollutants. Media Note (12/12/00)
bullet Brooks Yeager, Head of U.S. Delegation to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Negotiations, INC-5. Closing Statement, Johannesburg, South Africa (12/10/00)
bullet Brooks Yeager, Head of the United States Delegation to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Negotiations, INC-5. Statement on Financial and Technical Assistance, Johannesburg, South Africa (12/4/00)
bullet Brooks Yeager, Head of the United States Delegation to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Negotiations, INC-5. Opening Statement, Johannesburg, South Africa (12/04/00)
bullet United States Government Funding and Assistance for Projects Related to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). (12/07/00)
bullet Overview of USAID Malaria Program (INC-5). (12/05/00)
bullet United States Position on Precaution (INC-5). (12/04/00)
bullet U.S. Objectives for a Global Treaty on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (11/29/00)
bullet Overview on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): What the United States Has Done and What the Global Convention Will Do. (11/29/00)
bullet Convention to Combat Desertification. Statement by the President, Office of the Press Secretary (11/15/00)
bullet Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, Environment, and Science, David B. Sandalow, Head of the United States Delegation, Opening statement to the Sixth session of the Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, (11/13/00)
bullet The Sixth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-6), The Hague, The Netherlands, November 13-24, 2000
* The Face of the Waters. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, remarks in the October/November issue of "Civilization" magazine, Washington, DC (11/8/00)
bullet Remarks by Under Secretary Loy. International Climate Change Partnership, Earth Techology Forum. (10/30/00)
bullet Fact Sheet: U.S. and Russia Sign Polar Bear Accord. (10/16/00)
bullet Press Statement: Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting Held in Barrow, Alaska, October 12-13, 2000. (10/13/00)
bullet U.S.-Canada Ozone Annex Negotiations: Negotiators' Joint Statement. Washington, DC (10/13/00)
bullet Under Secretary for Global Affairs Frank E. Loy, Remarks to the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, Washington, DC (9/28/00)
bullet Dr. Norman P. Neureiter Sworn in as Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State. Statement by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (9/20/00)
bullet Assistant Secretary David B. Sandalow statement on U.S. Climate Change Policy. Thirteenth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies, UNFCCC, Lyon, France (9/14/00)
bullet President Clinton Directs U.S. Actions in Response to Japanese Whaling. White House Fact Sheet (9/13/00)
bullet U.S.-Bangladesh Agreement on Establishment of a Tropical Forest Fund and a Tropical Forest Conservation Board. (09/12/2000)
*bullet Remarks at Marie Claire Reception for Women Foreign Ministers. Statement by Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and Text of Female Foreign Ministers' Letter to Koffi Annan on HIV-AIDS (9/11/00)
bullet Successful Conclusion of Western Pacific Fisheries Negotiations. Press Statement (9/6/00)
bullet Honduras: Sea Turtle Conservation and Shrimp Imports. Press Statement (8/31/00)
bullet U.S. Announces Initial Actions in Response to Expanded Japanese Whaling Program. Press Statement (8/30/00)
bullet Canada - U.S. Ozone Annex Negotiations, Ottawa, August 24-25, 2000. Joint U.S.-Canada Statement (8/25/00)
bullet U.S. Objects to Japan's Lethal Whaling Research Program. Press Statement (8/16/00)
bullet Latest Calendar of International Events (updated August 2000)
bullet U.S. Views on Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forests Framework Convention on Climate Change. Fact Sheet (8/1/00)
bullet U.S. Opposes New Japanese Whaling in the North Pacific. Press Statement (7/31/00)
bullet Excerpt on Health from G-8 Communique Okinawa 2000. (7/23/00)
bullet Remarks on Climate Change. Frank Loy, London, United Kingdom (7/20/00)
bullet The Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles and the Convention to Combat Desertification. David Sandalow, Washington, DC (7/20/00)
bullet U.S.-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation: Meeting of the Board of Governors. Fact Sheet (7/19/00)
bullet The Role of Biotechnology in Combating Hunger and Poverty. David Sandalow, Washington, DC (7/12/00)
bullet Pakistan: Sea Turtle Conservation and Shrimp Imports. Press Statement (7/12/00)
bullet Environmental Guidelines for Export Credit Agencies. Fact Sheet (7/11/00)

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