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Jul 14, 2008

Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for
H.R. 415 - To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate segments of the Taunton River in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
Listed in Alphabetical Order

July 14, 2008 3:15 PM

*select the name of the amendment sponsor to retrieve amendment text in .pdf format.



Bishop, Rob (UT)


Would remove the limited eminent domain authority provided to the Secretary by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, which is to be used only if local communities repeal existing protections for the Taunton River.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


Would bar the Secretary from using condemnation to acquire "scenic easements" for the Taunton River portions designated under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


Would allow private property owners along the designated portions of the Taunton River to opt out of inclusion in the Wild and Scenic Rivers System by written request.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


Would make the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act inapplicable to any segment of the river designated as a "recreational river" by the bill.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


Would remove from the bill the designation as a recreational river of a 9-mile segment of the Taunton River from Muddy Cove to the confluence with the Quequechan River at the Route 195 Bridge in Fall River.

Blunt (MO)


Would require the EPA to remove a boutique fuel from the list published pursuant to EPAct 2005 if that fuel ceases to be included in any State Implementation Plan or if the fuel is functionally identical to a Federal fuel control promulgated and implemented by EPA. Would provide EPA with additional waiver authority related to unexpected problems with certain distribution or delivery equipment.

Boyda (KS)


Would require that nothing in the bill impact the supply of domestically-produced energy resources.

Flake (AZ)


Would delay the effective date of the bill until the Secretary of the Interior completes all backlogged maintenance needs within the National Park System.

Myrick (NC)


Would add to the bill the text of H.R. 6108, the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act.

Pearce (NM)


Would require that property owners give written consent before any private property is included in the designated segments of the river.

Pearce (NM)


Would delay the effective date of the Act until the average electricity price in Massachusetts is less than or equal to the average in the continental U.S.

Pearce (NM)


(REVISED)  Would require the Secretary of the Interior to report to Congress on the energy resources available on the lands and waters included in the segments of the Taunton River designated by the bill.

Roskam (IL)


Would authorize the Secretary of Energy to enter into loan and profit-sharing agreements for qualifying coal-to-liquid projects, including a commercial-scale project that converts coal or a petroleum refinery waste product to a liquid or gaseous transportation fuel.

Shuler (NC)


Would amend the bill to state that nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting the authority, jurisdiction, or responsibility of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to manage, control, or regulate fish and resident wildlife under State law or regulations, including the regulation of hunting, fishing, trapping, and recreational shooting, and that nothing in the Act shall be construed as limiting access for hunting, fishing, trapping, or recreational shooting.

Thornberry (TX)


Would create a competitive leasing program in parts of Alaska, remove the congressional moratoria on drilling in the outer continental shelf, require the IRS to implement certain refinery provisions from EPAct 2005, allow tax exempt bonds to be used for refinery construction, and make use of federal lands for new refineries.  Would also disallow the Nuclear Regulatory Commission from denying an application for a license, permit, or other authorization under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 on the grounds that sufficient capacity does not exist, provide a tax credit to companies for the cost they endure for paying a mechanical engineer to become Nuclear Stamp Certified, and offer a tax credit for CO2 captured for use in marginal wells for enhanced oil recovery.

Wittman (VA)


Would insert a savings clause requiring that nothing in this Act or the stewardship plan be used as a basis to restrict the development and management of energy infrastructure and easements and environmental mitigation related to such infrastructure.

Young, Don (AK)


Would add to the bill the text of H.R. 6107, the American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act.