Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF252.101 Using part 252.
TEXT PDF252.201-7000 Contracting officer's representative.
TEXT PDF252.203-7001 Prohibition on persons convicted of fraud or other defense-contract-related felonies.
TEXT PDF252.203-7002 Display of DoD hotline poster.
TEXT PDF252.204-7000 Disclosure of information.
TEXT PDF252.204-7001 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code reporting.
TEXT PDF252.204-7002 Payment for subline items not separately priced.
TEXT PDF252.204-7003 Control of government personnel work product.
TEXT PDF252.204-7004 Required central contractor registration.
TEXT PDF252.204-7005 Oral attestation of security responsibilities.
TEXT PDF252.205-7000 Provision of information to cooperative agreement holders.
TEXT PDF252.206-7000 Domestic source restriction.
TEXT PDF252.208-7000 Intent to furnish precious metals as Government-furnished material.
TEXT PDF252.209-7000 Acquisition from subcontractors subject to on-site inspection under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
TEXT PDF252.209-7001 Disclosure of ownership or control by the government of a terrorist country.
TEXT PDF252.209-7002 Disclosure of ownership or control by a foreign government.
TEXT PDF252.209-7004 Subcontracting with firms that are owned or controlled by the government of a terrorist country.
TEXT PDF252.209-7005 Reserve Officer Training Corps and military recruiting on campus.
TEXT PDF252.211-7000 Acquisition streamlining.
TEXT PDF252.211-7001 Availability of specifications and standards Not listed in DODISS, data item descriptions Not listed in DoD 5010.12-L, and plans, drawings, and other pertinent documents.
TEXT PDF252.211-7002 Availability for examination of specifications, standards, plans, drawings, data item descriptions, and other pertinent documents.
TEXT PDF252.211-7004 Alternate preservation, packaging, and packing.
TEXT PDF252.211-7005 Substitutions for military or Federal specifications and standards.
TEXT PDF252.212-7000 Offeror representations and certifications--Commercial items.
TEXT PDF252.212-7001 Contract terms and conditions required to implement statutes or Executive orders applicable to Defense acquisitions of commercial items.
TEXT PDF252.215-7000 Pricing adjustments.
TEXT PDF252.215-7002 Cost estimating system requirements.
TEXT PDF252.216-7000 Economic price adjustment--basic steel, aluminum, brass, bronze, or copper mill products.
TEXT PDF252.216-7001 Economic price adjustment--nonstandard steel items.
TEXT PDF252.216-7003 Economic price adjustment--wage rates or material prices controlled by a foreign government.
TEXT PDF252.217-7000 Exercise of option to fulfill foreign military sales commitments.
TEXT PDF252.217-7001 Surge option.
TEXT PDF252.217-7002 Offering property for exchange.
TEXT PDF252.217-7003 Changes.
TEXT PDF252.217-7004 Job orders and compensation.
TEXT PDF252.217-7005 Inspection and manner of doing work.
TEXT PDF252.217-7006 Title.
TEXT PDF252.217-7007 Payments.
TEXT PDF252.217-7008 Bonds.
TEXT PDF252.217-7009 Default.
TEXT PDF252.217-7010 Performance.
TEXT PDF252.217-7011 Access to vessel.
TEXT PDF252.217-7012 Liability and insurance.
TEXT PDF252.217-7013 Guarantees.
TEXT PDF252.217-7014 Discharge of liens.
TEXT PDF252.217-7015 Safety and health.
TEXT PDF252.217-7016 Plant protection.
TEXT PDF252.217-7017 Time of delivery.
TEXT PDF252.217-7018 Change in plant location--bakery and dairy products.
TEXT PDF252.217-7019 Sanitary conditions.
TEXT PDF252.217-7020 Examination and testing.
TEXT PDF252.217-7021 Deficiency adjustment.
TEXT PDF252.217-7022 Code dating.
TEXT PDF252.217-7023 Marking.
TEXT PDF252.217-7024 Responsibility for containers and equipment.
TEXT PDF252.217-7025 Containers and equipment.
TEXT PDF252.217-7026 Identification of sources of supply.
TEXT PDF252.217-7027 Contract definitization.
TEXT PDF252.217-7028 Over and above work.
TEXT PDF252.219-7003 Small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small business subcontracting plan (DoD contracts).
TEXT PDF252.219-7004 Small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small business subcontracting plan (test program).
TEXT PDF252.219-7009 Section 8(a) direct award.
TEXT PDF252.219-7010 Alternate A.
TEXT PDF252.219-7011 Notification to delay performance.
TEXT PDF252.222-7000 Restrictions on employment of personnel.
TEXT PDF252.222-7001 Right of first refusal of employment--Closure of military installations.
TEXT PDF252.222-7002 Compliance with local labor laws (overseas).
TEXT PDF252.222-7003 Permit from Italian Inspectorate of Labor.
TEXT PDF252.222-7004 Compliance with Spanish social security laws and regulations.
TEXT PDF252.222-7005 Prohibition on use of nonimmigrant aliens--Guam.
TEXT PDF252.223-7001 Hazard warning labels.
TEXT PDF252.223-7002 Safety precautions for ammunition and explosives.
TEXT PDF252.223-7003 Change in place of performance--ammunition and explosives.
TEXT PDF252.223-7004 Drug-free work force.
TEXT PDF252.223-7006 Prohibition on storage and disposal of toxic and hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF252.223-7007 Safeguarding sensitive conventional arms, ammunition, and explosives.
TEXT PDF252.225-7000 Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate.
TEXT PDF252.225-7001 Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program.
TEXT PDF252.225-7002 Qualifying country sources as subcontractors.
TEXT PDF252.225-7003 Information for duty-free entry evaluation.
TEXT PDF252.225-7005 Identification of expenditures in the United States.
TEXT PDF252.225-7006 Buy American Act--trade agreements--Balance of Payments Program certificate.
TEXT PDF252.225-7007 Buy American Act--trade agreements--Balance of Payments Program.
TEXT PDF252.225-7008 Supplies to be accorded duty-free entry.
TEXT PDF252.225-7009 Duty-free entry--Qualifying country supplies (end products and components).
TEXT PDF252.225-7010 Duty-free entry--additional provisions.
TEXT PDF252.225-7011 Restriction on acquisition of supercomputers.
TEXT PDF252.225-7012 Preference for Certain Domestic Commodities.
TEXT PDF252.225-7014 Preference for domestic specialty metals.
TEXT PDF252.225-7015 Preference for domestic hand or measuring tools.
TEXT PDF252.225-7016 Restriction on acquisition of ball and roller bearings.
TEXT PDF252.225-7017 Prohibition on award to companies owned by the People's Republic of China.
TEXT PDF252.225-7018 Notice of prohibition of certain contracts with foreign entities for the conduct of Ballistic Missile Defense RDT&E.
TEXT PDF252.225-7019 Restriction on acquisition of foreign anchor and mooring chain.
TEXT PDF252.225-7020 Trade agreements certificate.
TEXT PDF252.225-7021 Trade agreements.
TEXT PDF252.225-7022 Restriction on acquisition of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) carbon fiber.
TEXT PDF252.225-7023 Restriction on acquisition of vessel propellers.
TEXT PDF252.225-7024 Restriction on acquisition of night vision image intensifier tubes and devices.
TEXT PDF252.225-7025 Restriction on acquisition of forgings.
TEXT PDF252.225-7026 Reporting of contract performance outside the United States.
TEXT PDF252.225-7027 Restriction on contingent fees for foreign military sales.
TEXT PDF252.225-7028 Exclusionary policies and practices of foreign governments.
TEXT PDF252.225-7029 Preference for United States or Canadian air circuit breakers.
TEXT PDF252.225-7030 Restriction on acquisition of carbon, alloy, and armor steel plate.
TEXT PDF252.225-7031 Secondary Arab boycott of Israel.
TEXT PDF252.225-7032 Waiver of United Kingdom levies.
TEXT PDF252.225-7033 Restriction on acquisition of four ton dolly jacks.
TEXT PDF252.225-7035 Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate.
TEXT PDF252.225-7036 Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act--Balance of Payments Program.
TEXT PDF252.225-7037 Duty-free entry--Eligible end products.
TEXT PDF252.225-7038 Restriction on acquisition of aircraft fuel cells.
TEXT PDF252.225-7039 Restriction on acquisition of totally enclosed lifeboat survival systems.
TEXT PDF252.225-7041 Correspondence in English.
TEXT PDF252.225-7042 Authorization to perform.
TEXT PDF252.225-7043 Antiterrorism/force protection policy for defense contractors outside the United States.
TEXT PDF252.225-7044 Balance of Payments Program--Construction Material.
TEXT PDF252.225-7045 Balance of Payments Program--Construction Material Under Trade Agreements.
TEXT PDF252.226-7000 Notice of historically black college or university and minority institution set-aside.
TEXT PDF252.226-7001 Utilization of Indian Organizations and Indian-Owned Economic Enterprises-DoD Contracts.
TEXT PDF252.227-7000 Non-estoppel.
TEXT PDF252.227-7001 Release of past infringement.
TEXT PDF252.227-7002 Readjustment of payments.
TEXT PDF252.227-7003 Termination.
TEXT PDF252.227-7004 License grant.
TEXT PDF252.227-7005 License term.
TEXT PDF252.227-7006 License grant--running royalty.
TEXT PDF252.227-7007 License term--running royalty.
TEXT PDF252.227-7008 Computation of royalties.
TEXT PDF252.227-7009 Reporting and payment of royalties.
TEXT PDF252.227-7010 License to other Government agencies.
TEXT PDF252.227-7011 Assignments.
TEXT PDF252.227-7012 Patent license and release contract.
TEXT PDF252.227-7013 Rights in technical data--Noncommercial items.
TEXT PDF252.227-7014 Rights in noncommercial computer software and noncommercial computer software documentation.
TEXT PDF252.227-7015 Technical data--Commercial items.
TEXT PDF252.227-7016 Rights in bid or proposal information.
TEXT PDF252.227-7017 Identification and assertion of use, release, or disclosure restrictions.
TEXT PDF252.227-7018 Rights in noncommercial technical data and computer software--Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.
TEXT PDF252.227-7019 Validation of asserted restrictions--Computer software.
TEXT PDF252.227-7020 Rights in special works.
TEXT PDF252.227-7021 Rights in data--existing works.
TEXT PDF252.227-7022 Government rights (unlimited).
TEXT PDF252.227-7023 Drawings and other data to become property of Government.
TEXT PDF252.227-7024 Notice and approval of restricted designs.
TEXT PDF252.227-7025 Limitations on the use or disclosure of government-furnished information marked with restrictive legends.
TEXT PDF252.227-7026 Deferred delivery of technical data or computer software.
TEXT PDF252.227-7027 Deferred ordering of technical data or computer software.
TEXT PDF252.227-7028 Technical data or computer software previously delivered to the government.
TEXT PDF252.227-7030 Technical data--withholding of payment.
TEXT PDF252.227-7032 Rights in technical data and computer software (foreign).
TEXT PDF252.227-7033 Rights in shop drawings.
TEXT PDF252.227-7034 Patents--subcontracts.
TEXT PDF252.227-7036 Declaration of Technical Data Conformity.
TEXT PDF252.227-7037 Validation of restrictive markings on technical data.
TEXT PDF252.227-7039 Patents--reporting of sub&chyph;ject inventions.
TEXT PDF252.228-7000 Reimbursement for war-hazard losses.
TEXT PDF252.228-7001 Ground and flight risk.
TEXT PDF252.228-7002 Aircraft flight risk.
TEXT PDF252.228-7003 Capture and detention.
TEXT PDF252.228-7004 Bonds or other security.
TEXT PDF252.228-7005 Accident reporting and investigation involving aircraft, missiles, and space launch vehicles.
TEXT PDF252.228-7006 Compliance with Spanish laws and insurance.
TEXT PDF252.229-7000 Invoices exclusive of taxes or duties.
TEXT PDF252.229-7001 Tax relief.
TEXT PDF252.229-7002 Customs exemptions (Germany).
TEXT PDF252.229-7003 Tax Exemptions (Italy).
TEXT PDF252.229-7004 Status of contractors as a direct contractor (Spain).
TEXT PDF252.229-7005 Tax exemptions (Spain).
TEXT PDF252.229-7006 Value added tax exclusion (United Kingdom).
TEXT PDF252.229-7007 Verification of United States receipt of goods.
TEXT PDF252.229-7008 Relief from import duty (United Kingdom).
TEXT PDF252.229-7009 Relief from customs duty and value added tax on fuel (passenger vehicles) (United Kingdom).
TEXT PDF252.229-7010 Relief from customs duty on fuel (United Kingdom).
TEXT PDF252.231-7000 Supplemental cost principles.
TEXT PDF252.232-7000 Advance payment pool.
TEXT PDF252.232-7001 Disposition of payments.
TEXT PDF252.232-7002 Progress payments for foreign military sales acquisitions.
TEXT PDF252.232-7004 DoD progress payment rates.
TEXT PDF252.232-7005 Reimbursement of subcontractor advance payments--DoD pilot mentor-protege program.
TEXT PDF252.232-7007 Limitation of Government's obligation.
TEXT PDF252.232-7008 Assignment of claims (overseas).
TEXT PDF252.232-7009 Mandatory payment by Governmentwide commercial purchase card.
TEXT PDF252.233-7001 Choice of law (overseas).
TEXT PDF252.234-7000 Notice of earned value management system.
TEXT PDF252.234-7001 Earned value management system.
TEXT PDF252.235-7000 Indemnification under 10 U.S.C. 2354--fixed price.
TEXT PDF252.235-7001 Indemnification under 10 U.S.C. 2354--cost reimbursement.
TEXT PDF252.235-7002 Animal welfare.
TEXT PDF252.235-7003 Frequency authorization.
TEXT PDF252.235-7010 Acknowledgment of support and disclaimer.
TEXT PDF252.235-7011 Final scientific or technical report.
TEXT PDF252.236-7000 Modification proposals--price breakdown.
TEXT PDF252.236-7001 Contract drawings and specifications.
TEXT PDF252.236-7002 Obstruction of navigable waterways.
TEXT PDF252.236-7003 Payment for mobilization and preparatory work.
TEXT PDF252.236-7004 Payment for mobilization and demobilization.
TEXT PDF252.236-7005 Airfield safety precautions.
TEXT PDF252.236-7006 Cost limitation.
TEXT PDF252.236-7007 Additive or deductive items.
TEXT PDF252.236-7008 Contract prices--bidding schedules.
TEXT PDF252.236-7009 Option for supervision and inspection services.
TEXT PDF252.236-7010 Overseas military construction--Preference for United States firms.
TEXT PDF252.236-7011 Overseas architect-engineer services--Restriction to United States firms.
TEXT PDF252.236-7012 Military construction on Kwajalein Atoll--evaluation preference.
TEXT PDF252.237-7000 Notice of special standards of responsibility.
TEXT PDF252.237-7001 Compliance with audit standards.
TEXT PDF252.237-7002 Award to single offeror.
TEXT PDF252.237-7003 Requirements.
TEXT PDF252.237-7004 Area of performance.
TEXT PDF252.237-7005 Performance and delivery.
TEXT PDF252.237-7006 Subcontracting.
TEXT PDF252.237-7007 Termination for default.
TEXT PDF252.237-7008 Group interment.
TEXT PDF252.237-7009 Permits.
TEXT PDF252.237-7010 Facility requirements.
TEXT PDF252.237-7011 Preparation history.
TEXT PDF252.237-7012 Instruction to offerors (count-of-articles).
TEXT PDF252.237-7013 Instruction to offerors (bulk weight).
TEXT PDF252.237-7014 Loss or damage (count-of-articles).
TEXT PDF252.237-7015 Loss or damage (weight of articles).
TEXT PDF252.237-7016 Delivery tickets.
TEXT PDF252.237-7017 Individual laundry.
TEXT PDF252.237-7018 Special definitions of Government property.
TEXT PDF252.237-7022 Services at installations being closed.
TEXT PDF252.239-7000 Protection against compromising emanations.
TEXT PDF252.239-7002 Access.
TEXT PDF252.239-7003 Facilities and services to be furnished--common carriers.
TEXT PDF252.239-7004 Orders for facilities and services--common carriers.
TEXT PDF252.239-7005 Rates, charges, and services--common carriers.
TEXT PDF252.239-7006 Tariff information.
TEXT PDF252.239-7007 Cancellation or termination of orders--common carriers.
TEXT PDF252.239-7008 Reuse arrangements.
TEXT PDF252.239-7011 Special construction and equipment charges.
TEXT PDF252.239-7012 Title to telecommunication facilities and equipment.
TEXT PDF252.239-7013 Obligation of the Government.
TEXT PDF252.239-7014 Term of agreement.
TEXT PDF252.239-7015 Continuation of communication service authorizations.
TEXT PDF252.239-7016 Telecommunications security equipment, devices, techniques, and services.
TEXT PDF252.241-7000 Superseding contract.
TEXT PDF252.241-7001 Government access.
TEXT PDF252.242-7000 Postaward conference.
TEXT PDF252.242-7003 Application for U.S. Government shipping documentation/instructions.
TEXT PDF252.242-7004 Material management and accounting system.
TEXT PDF252.242-7005 Cost/Schedule Status Report.
TEXT PDF252.242-7006 Cost/Schedule Status Report Plans.
TEXT PDF252.243-7001 Pricing of contract modifications.
TEXT PDF252.243-7002 Requests for equitable adjustment.
TEXT PDF252.244-7000 Subcontracts for commercial items and commercial components (DoD contracts).
TEXT PDF252.245-7000 Government-furnished mapping, charting, and geodesy property.
TEXT PDF252.245-7001 Reports of Government property.
TEXT PDF252.246-7000 Material inspection and receiving report.
TEXT PDF252.246-7001 Warranty of data.
TEXT PDF252.246-7002 Warranty of construction (Germany).
TEXT PDF252.247-7000 Hardship conditions.
TEXT PDF252.247-7001 Price adjustment.
TEXT PDF252.247-7002 Revision of prices.
TEXT PDF252.247-7004 Indefinite quantities--fixed charges.
TEXT PDF252.247-7005 Indefinite quantities--no fixed charges.
TEXT PDF252.247-7006 Removal of contractor's employees.
TEXT PDF252.247-7007 Liability and insurance.
TEXT PDF252.247-7008 Evaluation of bids.
TEXT PDF252.247-7009 Award.
TEXT PDF252.247-7010 Scope of contract.
TEXT PDF252.247-7011 Period of contract.
TEXT PDF252.247-7012 Ordering limitation.
TEXT PDF252.247-7013 Contract areas of performance.
TEXT PDF252.247-7014 Demurrage.
TEXT PDF252.247-7015 Requirements.
TEXT PDF252.247-7016 Contractor liability for loss or damage.
TEXT PDF252.247-7017 Erroneous shipments.
TEXT PDF252.247-7018 Subcontracting.
TEXT PDF252.247-7019 Drayage.
TEXT PDF252.247-7020 Additional services.
TEXT PDF252.247-7021 Returnable containers other than cylinders.
TEXT PDF252.247-7022 Representation of extent of transportation by sea.
TEXT PDF252.247-7023 Transportation of supplies by sea.
TEXT PDF252.247-7024 Notification of transportation of supplies by sea.
TEXT PDF252.247-7025 Reflagging or repair work.
TEXT PDF252.249-7000 Special termination costs.
TEXT PDF252.249-7002 Notification of anticipated contract termination or reduction.
TEXT PDF252.251-7000 Ordering from Government supply sources.
TEXT PDF252.251-7001 Use of Interagency Fleet Management System (IFMS) vehicles and related services.

