Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF53.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF53.001 Definitions.
TEXT PDF53.100 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF53.101 Requirements for use of forms.
TEXT PDF53.102 Current editions.
TEXT PDF53.103 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF53.104 Overprinting.
TEXT PDF53.105 Computer generation.
TEXT PDF53.106 Special construction and printing.
TEXT PDF53.107 Obtaining forms.
TEXT PDF53.108 Recommendations concerning forms.
TEXT PDF53.109 Forms prescribed by other regulations.
TEXT PDF53.110 Continuation sheets.
TEXT PDF53.111 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF53.200 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF53.201 Federal acquisition system.
TEXT PDF53.201-1 Contracting authority and responsibilities (SF 1402).
TEXT PDF53.204 Administrative matters.
TEXT PDF53.204-1 Safeguarding classified information within industry (DD Form 254, DD Form 441).
TEXT PDF53.204-2 Contract reporting.
TEXT PDF53.205 Publicizing contract actions.
TEXT PDF53.205-1 Paid advertisements.
TEXT PDF53.209 Contractor qualifications.
TEXT PDF53.209-1 Responsible prospective contractors.
TEXT PDF53.212 Acquisition of commercial items.
TEXT PDF53.213 Simplified acquisition procedures (SF's 18, 30, 44, 1165, and 1449, and OF's 336, 347, and 348).
TEXT PDF53.214 Sealed bidding.
TEXT PDF53.215 Contracting by negotiation.
TEXT PDF53.215-1 Solicitation and receipt of proposals.
TEXT PDF53.216 Types of contracts.
TEXT PDF53.216-1 Delivery orders and orders under basic ordering agreements (OF 347).
TEXT PDF53.219 Small business programs.
TEXT PDF53.222 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions (SF's 99, 308, 1093, 1413, 1444, 1445, 1446, WH-347).
TEXT PDF53.228 Bonds and insurance.
TEXT PDF53.229 Taxes (SF's 1094, 1094-A).
TEXT PDF53.232 Contract financing (SF 1443).
TEXT PDF53.235 Research and Development Contracting (SF 298).
TEXT PDF53.236 Construction and architect-engineer contracts.
TEXT PDF53.236-1 Construction.
TEXT PDF53.236-2 Architect-engineer services (SF's 252, 254, 255, 1421).
TEXT PDF53.242 Contract administration.
TEXT PDF53.242-1 Novation and change-of-name agreements (SF 30).
TEXT PDF53.243 Contract modifications (SF 30).
TEXT PDF53.245 Government property.
TEXT PDF53.247 Transportation (U.S. Government Bill of Lading).
TEXT PDF53.249 Termination of contracts.
TEXT PDF53.251 Contractor use of Government supply sources (OF 347).
TEXT PDF53.300 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF53.301 Standard forms.
TEXT PDF53.301-18--53.301-1449 Illustration of standard forms.
TEXT PDF53.302 Optional forms.
TEXT PDF53.302-17--53.302-1419A Illustration of optional forms.
TEXT PDF53.303 Agency forms.
TEXT PDF53.303-254--53.303-347 Illustration of agency forms.
TEXT PDF53.301-18 SF 18 (Rev. 6/95), Request for Quotations.
TEXT PDF53.301-24 Bid Bond.
TEXT PDF53.301-25 Performance Bond.
TEXT PDF53.301-25-A Payment Bond.
TEXT PDF53.301-25-B Standard Form 25-B, Continuation Sheet (For Standard Forms 24, 25, and 25-A).
TEXT PDF53.301-26 Standard Form 26, Award/Contract.
TEXT PDF53.301-28 Affidavit of Individual Surety.
TEXT PDF53.301-30 Standard Form 30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract.
TEXT PDF53.301-33 Solicitation, Offer and Award.
TEXT PDF53.301-34 Annual Bid Bond.
TEXT PDF53.301-35 Annual Performance Bond.
TEXT PDF53.301-44 Standard Form 44, Purchase Order--Invoice--Voucher.
TEXT PDF53.301-98 Standard Form 98, Notice of Intention to Make a Service Contract and Response to Notice.
TEXT PDF53.301-98a Standard Form 98a, Notice of Intention to Make a Service Contract and Response to Notice (Attachment A).
TEXT PDF53.301-99 Standard Form 99, Notice of Award of Contract.
TEXT PDF53.301-120 Standard Form 120, Report of Excess Personal Property.
TEXT PDF53.301-120-A Standard Form 120-A, Continuation Sheet (Report of Excess Personal Property).
TEXT PDF53.301-126 Standard Form 126, Report of Personal Property for Sale.
TEXT PDF53.301-126-A Standard Form 126-A, Report of Personal Property for Sale (Continuation Sheet).
TEXT PDF53.301-129 SF 129, Solicitation Mailing List Application.
TEXT PDF53.301-252 Standard Form 252, Architect-Engineer Contract.
TEXT PDF53.301-254 Standard Form 254, Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire.
TEXT PDF53.301-255 Standard Form 255, Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project.
TEXT PDF53.301-273 Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond.
TEXT PDF53.301-274 Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond.
TEXT PDF53.301-275 Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States.
TEXT PDF53.301-279 Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) Individual Contract Action Report.
TEXT PDF53.301-281 Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) Summary Contract Action Report ($25,000 or Less).
TEXT PDF53.301-294 Subcontracting Report for Individual Contracts.
TEXT PDF53.301-295 Summary Subcontract Report.
TEXT PDF53.301-298 Standard Form 298, Report Documentation Page.
TEXT PDF53.301-308 Standard Form 308, Request for Determination and Response to Request.
TEXT PDF53.301-1034 Standard Form 1034, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal.
TEXT PDF53.301-1034A Standard Form 1034A, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal--Memorandum Copy.
TEXT PDF53.301-1035 Standard Form 1035, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal, Continuation Sheet.
TEXT PDF53.301-1035A Standard Form 1035A, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal--Memorandum, Continuation Sheet.
TEXT PDF53.301-1093 Standard Form 1093, Schedule of Withholdings Under the Davis-Bacon Act and/or the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act.
TEXT PDF53.301-1094 SF 1094, U.S. Tax Exemption Certificates.
TEXT PDF53.301-1094A SF 1094A, Tax Exemption Certificates Accountability Record.
TEXT PDF53.301-1165 Standard Form 1165, Receipt for Cash-Subvoucher.
TEXT PDF53.301-1402 Standard Form 1402, Certicate of Appointment.
TEXT PDF53.301-1403 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor (General).
TEXT PDF53.301-1404 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Technical.
TEXT PDF53.301-1405 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Production.
TEXT PDF53.301-1406 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Quality Assurance.
TEXT PDF53.301-1407 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Financial Capability.
TEXT PDF53.301-1408 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor--Accounting System.
TEXT PDF53.301-1409 Standard Form 1409, Abstract of Offers.
TEXT PDF53.301-1410 Standard Form 1410, Abstract of Offers--Continuation.
TEXT PDF53.301-1413 Standard Form 1413, Statement and Acknowledgment.
TEXT PDF53.301-1414 SF 1414 (Rev. 10/93) Consent of Surety.
TEXT PDF53.301-1415 SF 1415 (Rev. 7/93) Consent of Surety and Increase of Penalty.
TEXT PDF53.301-1416 Payment Bond for Other than Construction Contracts.
TEXT PDF53.301-1417 Pre-Solicitation Notice.
TEXT PDF53.301-1418 Performance bond for other than construction contracts.
TEXT PDF53.301-1420 Standard Form 1420, Performance Evaluation--Construction Contracts.
TEXT PDF53.301-1421 Standard Form 1421, Performance Evaluation (Architect-Engineer).
TEXT PDF53.301-1423 SF 1423, Inventory Verification Survey.
TEXT PDF53.301-1424 Standard Form 1424, Inventory Disposal Report.
TEXT PDF53.301-1426 SF 1426, Inventory Schedule A (Metals in Mill Product Form).
TEXT PDF53.301-1427 Standard Form 1427, Inventory Schedule A--Construction Sheet (Metals in Mill Product Form).
TEXT PDF53.301-1428 SF 1428, Inventory Schedule B.
TEXT PDF53.301-1429 Standard Form 1429, Inventory Schedule B--Continuation Sheet.
TEXT PDF53.301-1430 Standard Form 1430, Inventory Schedule C (Work-in-Process).
TEXT PDF53.301-1431 Inventory Schedule C--Continuation Sheet (Work-in-Process).
TEXT PDF53.301-1432 SF 1432, Inventory Schedule D (Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment).
TEXT PDF53.301-1433 Inventory Schedule D--Continuation Sheet (Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment).
TEXT PDF53.301-1434 SF 1434, Termination Inventory Schedule E (Short Form For Use With SF 1438 Only).
TEXT PDF53.301-1435 Settlement Proposal (Inventory Basis).
TEXT PDF53.301-1436 Settlement Proposal (Total Cost Basis).
TEXT PDF53.301-1437 Settlement Proposal for Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts.
TEXT PDF53.301-1438 Settlement Proposal (Short Form).
TEXT PDF53.301-1439 Schedule of Accounting Information.
TEXT PDF53.301-1440 Application for Partial Payment.
TEXT PDF53.301-1442 Standard Form 1442, Solicitation, Offer and Award (Construction, Alteration, or Repair).
TEXT PDF53.301-1443 Standard Form 1443, Contractor's Request for Progress Payment.
TEXT PDF53.301-1444 Request for Authorization of Additional Classification and Rate.
TEXT PDF53.301-1445 SF 1445, Labor Standards Interview.
TEXT PDF53.301-1446 Labor Standards Investigation Summary Sheet.
TEXT PDF53.301-1447 Solicitation/Contract.
TEXT PDF53.301-1449 Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items.
TEXT PDF53.302-17 Optional Form 17, Offer Label.
TEXT PDF53.302-90 Release of Lien on Real Property.
TEXT PDF53.302-91 Release of Personal Property From Escrow.
TEXT PDF53.302-307 Optional Form 307, Contract Award.
TEXT PDF53.302-308 Optional Form 308, Solicitation and Offer--Negotiated Acquisition.
TEXT PDF53.302-309 Optional Form 309, Amendment of Solicitation.
TEXT PDF53.302-312 Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Participation Report.
TEXT PDF53.302-333 Procurement Integrity Certification for Procurement Officials.
TEXT PDF53.302-336 Optional Form 336, Continuation Sheet.
TEXT PDF53.302-347 OF 347 (Rev. 6/95), Order for Supplies or Services.
TEXT PDF53.302-348 Optional Form 348, Order for Supplies or Services Schedule--Continuation.
TEXT PDF53.302-1419 Optional Form 1419, Abstract of Offers--Construction.
TEXT PDF53.302-1419A Optional Form 1419A, Abstract of Offers--Construction, Continuation Sheet.
TEXT PDF53.303-DD-254 Department of Defense DD Form 254, Contract Security Classification Specification.
TEXT PDF53.303-DD-441 Department of Defense DD Form 441, Security Agreement.
TEXT PDF53.303-WH-347 Department of Labor Form WH-347, Payroll (For Contractor's Optional Use).

