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The Daily Leader - Steny Hoyer
majorityleader.house.gov · (202) 225-3130

House Meets At…
Last Vote Predicted…

10:00 a.m.: Legislative Business


Ten “One Minutes” Per Side

  6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

     H.R. 6604 - The Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act of 2008 (Rep. Peterson – Agriculture) (Subject to a Rule)


     H.R. 3036 – No Child Left Inside Act of 2008 (Rep. Sarbanes – Education and Labor) (Subject to Rule)


Postponed Suspensions Votes (11 Bills):

1)     H.Res. 1432 - Supporting the goals and ideals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children in foster care awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, recognizing current programs and efforts designed to promote adoption, and encouraging people in the United States to seek improved safety, permanency, and well-being for all children (Rep. Porter – Ways and Means)

2)     H.R. 6681 - Designates a postal facility in New Lenox, Illinois, after Jacob M. Lowell (Rep. Weller – Oversight and Government Reform)

3)     H.R. 6229 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2523 7th Avenue East in North Saint Paul, Minnesota, as the "Mayor William 'Bill' Sandberg Post Office Building" (Rep. McCollum – Oversight and Government Reform)

4)     H.R. 6338 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4233 West Hillsboro Boulevard in Coconut Creek, Florida, as the "Army SPC Daniel Agami Post Office Building" (Rep. Klein – Oversight and Government Reform)

5)     S. 171 - A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 301 Commerce Street in Commerce, Oklahoma, as the "Mickey Mantle Post Office Building" (Sen. Inhofe – Oversight and Government Reform)

6)     H.R. 6772 - Designates a postal facility after CeeCee Ross Lyles (Rep. Mahoney – Oversight and Government Reform)

7)     H.Res. 1356 - Celebrating the 221st anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America, and for other purposes (Rep. Garrett – Oversight and Government Reform)

8)    H.Con.Res. 408 - Recognizing North Platte, Nebraska, as “Rail Town USA” (Rep. Smith (NE) - Transportation and Infrastructure)

9)     H.R. 3986 - The John F. Kennedy Center Reauthorization Act of 2007 (Rep. Oberstar - Transportation and Infrastructure)

10)   H.R. 6460 - The Great Lakes Legacy Reauthorization Act of 2008 (Rep. Ehlers – Transportation and Infrastructure)

11)   S.J.Res. 35 - To amend Public Law 108-331 to provide for the construction and related activities in support of the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) project in Arizona (Sen. Leahy – Transportation and Infrastructure)


* Conference Reports may be brought up at any time.

* Motions to go to Conference should they become available.      

* Possible Motions to Instruct Conferees.