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U.S. Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs

412 Russell Senate Bldg.Washington D.C. 20510

Democratic Staff(202) 224-9126

825A Hart Senate Bldg.Washington D.C. 20510

Republican Staff(202) 224-2074

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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Joint Hearing: Legislative presentations from AMVETS, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Gold Star Wives of America, Fleet Reserve Association, The Retired Enlisted Association, Military Officers Association of America, and National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs


Thursday, April 3, 2008                                             9:30am                        SH-216

Legislative presentations from AMVETS, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Gold Star Wives of America,

Fleet Reserve Association, The Retired Enlisted Association, Military Officers Association of America,

and National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs


Click Here to View Hearing

1 - Committee Leadership

Panel I

Veterans History Project