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Stories Podcasts
In Katrina’s Wake
Date: November 15, 2007

Hurricane Katrina took the world by storm when it ravaged Louisiana and surrounding states in late August of 2005. Katrina’s effects were far reaching, and researchers continue to uncover new areas of devastation left in her wake. Using data from NASA’s Landsat and Terra satellites, along with ecological field investigations and statistical analyses, a group of researchers has quantified losses to Gulf Coast forests inflicted by Hurricane Katrina. The results, published in the 2007 November 16th issue of Science, estimate that Katrina killed or damaged 320 million large trees and affected more than 5 millions acres of forest. In this climate of warming temperatures and frequent, intensified storms, some scientists debate whether this is just the first taste of what’s to come.
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Comet Encke
Date: October 3, 2007

NASA's STEREO satellite captured the first images ever of a collision between a solar "hurricane", called a coronal mass ejection (CME), and a comet. The collision caused the complete detachment of the comet's plasma tail. Scientists believe that the disconnection of Comet Encke's tail was likely triggered by reconnection between the magnetic field around the comet and the field entrained in the CME. This same process takes place in the Earth's magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms.
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The Future Arrives
Date: September 11, 2007

Over 200 college students from all over the country come to Goddard Space Flight Center each summer to work with scientists on cutting-edge technology and science. The students profiled here represent part of NASA's investment in our future.
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Tour Of The ESB
Date: July 23, 2007

As the first building project of the Goddard Space Flight Center's Master Plan, the multi-million dollar Exploration Sciences Building will serve as the launching pad for NASA-driven research for the next 50 years and beyond. The building will serve as the primary tie to unify the currently divided east and west properties, and will inspire future generations of scientists in their quests to explore the universe.
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ESB Ground Breaking
Date: July 20, 2007

The three-story office and laboratory building that will be called the "Exploration Sciences Building" will be the new workplace for NASA scientists and engineers that study the solar system and the entire universe.
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Date: March 30, 2007

Humans have always looked up at the sky. They used astronomy to track time, orient their cities, decide when to plant their crops, and even based their religious practices on their celestial world. But there was much more to learn.
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