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Supporting the Troops and our Veterans

Some photos courtesy of Pay Kay

The mission of The Thank You Foundation is to show appreciation and express gratitude for members of the U.S. Military both past and present. We believe that saying thank you is not enough and that the words must be followed up with action and commitment.

Through programs and services offered by the Foundation and through strategic partnerships with the community at large, businesses, civic organizations, and other military related service groups, the Foundation strives to improve the overall quality of life of Veterans, Military Personnel, and their families by focusing and supporting efforts for Education & Employment, Health & Welfare, and Morale & Recreation for the community we serve.


A Thank You Foundation "Salute"

Zachary D. Tellier

The Thank You Foundation would like to give a very special "Salute" to Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier. Sgt. Tellier was killed in action on the Pakistani border by a gunshot wound. In his time in Afghanistan, Zack has proven himself to be fit for the job, surviving an IED, getting his men out of their truck, and commanding the enduring firefight that followed. Time and again he's showed heroism. For Zack, leadership was natural. He always showed equality and fairness to his men. He was a peer to even the highest in command. We wish a lot of things, but most of all we wish that other people people could have been surrounded by his greatness. We love Zach and his wife Sarah. Sgt. Tellier, he defines the word hero. - submitted by Joel & Lindsey Dulashanti



Thank You from the Stars

David Pollack

"People sometimes define sports players as heroes, but the true heroes are the men and women serving our country. We might not know who they are by name, but everyday we get to enjoy our freedom because of what they have and are doing for us. My uncle has served in the army for 30 years, and we have more admiration and respect for what he does than anyone else we know. To all our troops--thank you so much for what you do for us! God Bless you all!"
David Pollack, Cincinnati Bengals



Get Involved


There are a number of ways that you can get involved to help support the Troops and our Veterans.


The Thank You Foundation News

Daniel Smith's - "Thank You"

Listen to "Thank You" (A tribute to the American Soldier), by Nashville recording artist Daniel Smith.