
As Governor for the State of Missouri, I am committed to making online access to government a convenient and useful resource for the citizens of Missouri, and for those who wish to do business in or with our state.

It is a tremendous honor to serve the people of Missouri! I value your input, so please feel free to contact me to share your thoughts, ask questions, or make suggestions.

Latest News

Gov. Blunt Announces $116,750 Community Development Block Grant for DREAM City Caruthersville

CARUTHERSVILLE – Gov. Matt Blunt today announced that the city of Caruthersville has been approved for an $116,750 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) by the Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED).

Gov. Matt Blunt Honors Prisoners of War and Those Missing in Action for Their Commitment to Freedom

JEFFERSON CITY – We owe a debt of gratitude to all men and women who have served and are serving in our armed forces for protecting our freedom and values. No group of men and women are more deserving of our respect, praise, recognition and support than those outstanding servicemen and women who have worn the uniform of our nation.

Gov. Blunt’s eMINTS/METS Classrooms Grant Initiative Awards $1 Million to Benefit 50 Classrooms

JEFFERSON CITY – Gov. Matt Blunt announced today that five Missouri school districts encompassing 50 teachers are launching innovative math and science oriented projects during this school year through the METS Classrooms Grant Program.

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