 Japanese American National Museum

What's New

Thursday, September 25
FREE! The concert series closes with a global dance party. Don’t leave home without your dancing shoes!

September 25-28
A new festival dedicated to contemporary digital films that explore and celebrate identity crisis in our diverse Asian/Pacific Islander community

Saturday, September 27
Enjoy free general admission for you and a guest to hundreds of museums and cultural venues nationwide

Saturday, October 4
Join us as we celebrate the opening of 20 Years Ago Today: Supporting Visual Artists in L.A.

October 4–November 8
Affordable and culturally sensitive community-based creative writing workshops for aspiring and emerging writers

The 2008-09 Museum Store Catalog is here! Find unique and meaningful cultural gifts while also supporting the mission and programs of the Museum


An overview of Japanese American history from early immigration to the present day. Incorporates artifacts, artwork, and media--including rare home movies and a section of the barracks from the Heart Mountain concentration camp.

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the California Community Foundation's Fellowships for Visual Artists, this exhibition illustrates the cultural emergence of Los Angeles as seen through the development of diverse visual artists

Fighting for Democracy travels to San Antonio, TX. The exhibition explores the lives of seven diverse individuals during World War II. home
Copyright © Japanese American National Museum
369 East First Street, Los Angeles California 90012   ▪   phone: (213) 625-0414