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 You are in: Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs: Electronic Information and Publications Office > Photo Gallery > Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > 2006 Secretary Rice's Photos > October 

Secretary Rice's Travel to South Korea

Seoul, Republic of Korea
October 20, 2006

Secretary Rice traveled to Tokyo, Japan, Seoul,South Korea, Beijing, China and Moscow, Russia from October 17 to 22. She discussed implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718, among other issues. Click on images for larger versions and captions.

Secretary Rice  is greeted by MOFAT Director General Cho Tae-yong and Lt. General David Valcourt upon arrival at K-16 Air Base in Seoul.   
Secretary Rice is greeted by MOFAT Director General Cho Tae-yong and Lt. General David Valcourt upon arrival at K-16 Air Base in Seoul.
Secretary Rice with Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon speak to the press
Secretary Rice and Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon speak to the press.
Secretary Rice meets with President Roh Moo-hyun at the Blue House in Seoul.
Secretary Rice meets with President Roh Moo-hyun at the Blue House in Seoul.
Secretary Rice with Foreign Ministers Taro Aso and Ban Ki-moon after Dinner at Foreign Minister Bans Residence.  
Secretary Rice with Foreign Ministers Taro Aso and Ban Ki-moon after Dinner at Foreign Minister Ban's Residence.
Secretary Rice meets with Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Seoul.
Secretary Rice meets with Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Secretary Rice with Ambassador Alexander Vershbow and Under Secretary Robert Joseph at Dinner with Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon and Foreign Minister Aso Taro in Seoul. 
Secretary Rice with Ambassador Vershbow and Under Secretary Joseph at Dinner with Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon and Foreign Minister Aso Taro.
Secretary Rice with KBS TV Anchorwoman Jung Se-jin [right] and Staff at Shilla Hotel in Seoul.
Secretary Rice with KBS TV Anchorwoman Jung Se-jin [right] and Staff at Shilla Hotel in Seoul.
Secretary Rice with Marine Security Guards of U.S. Embassy Seoul at Shilla Hotel.
Secretary Rice with Marine Security Guards of U.S. Embassy Seoul at Shilla Hotel.

Released on October 20, 2006

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