Educator Astronaut Program:


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Curator: Dave Mazza

Responsible Official :
Jo Ann Charleston


Aerospace Education Services Program (AESP)
The NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) AESP provides professional development workshops for teachers in the six state area of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. These activity-based workshops are designed to enhance educators' understanding and comprehension of aerospace. Each workshop is correlated with the national science and mathematics standards

Dropping In a Microgravity Environment (DIME)
DIME is a new NASA competition program which will allow teams to design and build a science experiment which will then be operated in a NASA microgravity drop tower facility. This program is a project-oriented activity which will last one school year. Teams will be comprised of high-school-aged students, such as a science class, group of classes, science club, or scout troop. A team must have teacher and/or adult supervision.

Explorers Program -- Posts 630, 631, 632
The Glenn Explorer program collaborates with the Boy Scouts of America to provide students (ages 14 through 20) with career exploration opportunities focused on aeronautics and computer science. Activity groups, led by Glenn volunteers who serve as Exploring advisors, meet one weekday evening a week from October through April to work on group projects.

The FIRST competition is a national engineering contest htat immerses high school students in the exciting world of engineering. In 65 weeks, students and engineers (NASA volunteers) work intesnsely together to brainstorm, design, construct, and test their "robot champion" which then competes with other robots.

Learning Technologies Project (LTP)
LTP captures the educational potential of NASA and GRC programs and conducts and facilitates educational projects at all levels of the American educational system.

Lewis' Educational and Research Collaborative Internship Program (LERCIP)
LERCIP provides paid internships for high school students in the fields of engineering, science, technology, and professional administration. Each student is assigned a mentor and is given an 8 week project that is commensurate with their academic field of study. There are two high school programs managed by LERCIP: Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (SHARP), and NASA Plus.

Mobile Aeronautics Education Laboratory/Aernautics Education Laboratories (MAEL/AEL's)
MAEL is a mobile, state-of-the-art classroom that brings aeronautics- based technology to schools and communities.

NASA Student Involvement Program (NSIP)
The NASA Student Involvement Program supports national education standards for science, mathematics, technology, and geography. By participating, students will
  • Develop "science as inquiry" skills
  • Work collaboratively as team members
  • Apply computer and Internet skills
  • Learn core concepts of Earth and space science
  • Integrate science, mathematics, technology, and geography concepts
  • Learn to communicate more clearly and effectively.

NSIP is open to all U.S. individuals and teams of children in grades K-12.

The deadline for entering Space Flight Opportunities is January 15, 2004. The deadline for all other competitions is January 31, 2004.

National Engineers Week (NEW)
Every February, NASA and other Cleveland area engineers visit classrooms throughout the Northeastern Ohio area to promote NEW, share career information, and show students how science, math, and engineering relate to the world around them and why their studies are important.

New Approach to Self Achievement (N.A.S.A.) Project
The N .A.S.A. Project is a six-week summer program for students attending Cleveland, OH Public Schools and entering seventh, eighth, or ninth grade.

Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy (SEMAA)
SEMAA is an enrichment program designed to target historically underrepresented and underserved students in grades Kindergarten through 12th and provide exposure to careers in science, mathematics, aeronautics, space and technology.

Shadowing is intended to provide selected high school students with a one-day or up to one week career exploration internship under the mentorship of a Glenn scientist, engineer, technician, or professional administrator.

The Virtual Interactive Classroom (VIC), an embedded web application, allows Internet users, specifically students, to remotely control and access data from scientific experiments.

WVIZ/NASA Educational Television Channel
The WVIZ/NASA Educational Channel is a secondary channel that WVIX (Cleveland's Public Broadcasting Station) owns and uses to broadcast educational content to schools within northeast Ohio.

K-12 Student Programs and Resources NASA-wide and on the web


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