Central African Republic

Exchange rate: U.S.$1.00 equals 628.89 CFA francs.

Note: This information is from 1999.

Old Age, Disability, and Survivors

Regulatory Framework

First law: 1963.

Current law: 1981.

Type of program: Social insurance system.


Employed persons, including government officials, members of public groups (if not otherwise covered), students in professional schools, trainees and apprentices (even if nonsalaried), members of religious orders, and domestic workers.

Source of Funds

Insured person: 2% of earnings.

Employer: 3% of payroll.

Government: None.

Qualifying Conditions

Old-age pension: Age 55 (men) or 50 (women) with 20 years of coverage and 60 months of contributions during the last 10 years. The pension is payable 5 years earlier if the insured person is prematurely aged. Retirement from gainful employment is necessary.

The pension is payable abroad only if there is a reciprocal agreement.

Old-age allowance: Age 55 (age 50 if prematurely aged) with at least 12 months of coverage but ineligible for an old-age pension.

Disability pension: A loss of 2/3 of earning capacity with 5 years of coverage, including 6 months of contributions in the year preceding the onset of disability (conditions are waived for currently employed persons if the disability is a result of a nonoccupational accident; for an occupational accident, see Work Injury, below). The pension is payable after 6 consecutive months of disability provided that the disability is expected to last for another 6 months or more.

Survivor pension: The insured person met the requirements for a pension or was a pensioner at the time of death.

Survivor settlement: Paid to the survivor if the insured person did not meet the requirements for a pension.

Old-Age Benefits

Old-age pension: 30% of average monthly earnings in the last 3 or 5 years (whichever is higher), plus 1% for each 12-month period of contributions beyond 240 months.

The minimum pension is 60% of the highest regional minimum wage.

The maximum pension is 80% of average monthly earnings.

Constant-attendance supplement: 50% of the pension is payable to the prematurely aged.

Old-age allowance: If ineligible for an old-age pension, a lump sum calculated on the basis of the insured's average monthly earnings for each 12-month period of coverage.

Permanent Disability Benefits

Disability pension: 30% of average monthly earnings in the last 3 or 5 years (whichever is higher), plus 1% for each 12-month period of contributions beyond 240 months. For each year that a claim is made before the insured person reaches age 55, the insured person is credited with a 6-month coverage period.

Constant-attendance supplement: 50% of the pension.

Survivor Benefits

Survivor pension: 50% of the insured's pension is paid to a widow age 50 (age 45 if prematurely aged) or age 30 if caring for a child or disabled and provided that she was married at least 2 years prior to the death of the insured. If there is more than one widow, the amount is divided equally. The pension is also payable to a dependent widower age 55 (age 50 if prematurely aged).

Orphan's pension: 50% of the insured's pension; 100% for each full orphan.

The maximum survivor pension is 100% of the insured's pension.

Survivor settlement: A lump sum of 1 month's old-age pension for every 6-month period of insurance coverage, if the insured person was ineligible for a pension.

Administrative Organization

Ministry of Public Administration, Labor, Social Security, and Professional Training provides general supervision.

Central African Social Security Office administers the program.

Sickness and Maternity

Regulatory Framework

First law: 1952.

Current laws: 1965 and 1970 (sickness insurance), not implemented.

Type of program: Social insurance system. Maternity benefits only.


Employed women.

Source of Funds

Insured person: None.

Employer: See source of funds for Family Allowances, below.

Government: None.

Qualifying Conditions

Sickness benefit: No statutory benefits are provided.

Maternity benefits: Six months of insured employment.

Sickness and Maternity Benefits

Sickness benefit: No statutory benefits are provided. (The labor code requires employers to provide paid sick leave.)

Maternity benefit: 50% of earnings is payable for up to 8 weeks before and 6 weeks after (9 weeks in case of complications) the expected date of childbirth.

Workers' Medical Benefits

No statutory benefits are provided. (The labor code requires employers to provide certain medical services.)

Dependents' Medical Benefits

No statutory benefits are provided. (Some maternity and child health care is provided under Family Allowances, below.)

Administrative Organization

Ministry of Public Administration, Labor, Social Security, and Professional Training provides general supervision.

Central African Social Security Office administers the program.

Work Injury

Regulatory Framework

First laws: 1935 and 1959.

Current law: 1965.

Type of program: Social insurance system.


Employed persons and members of producers' cooperatives.

Source of Funds

Insured person: None.

Employer: 3% of payroll.

Government: None.

The maximum monthly earnings for contribution and benefit purposes are 200,000 CFA francs.

Qualifying Conditions

Work injury benefits: There is no minimum qualifying period.

Temporary Disability Benefits

50% of earnings for the first 28 days of disability; thereafter, 66.6% of earnings. The benefit is payable from the day following the onset of disability until full recovery or certification of permanent disability.

Permanent Disability Benefits

Permanent disability pension: For total disability, 100% of average earnings.

Partial disability: Average earnings multiplied by 0.5 times the assessed degree of disability for the portion of disability between 10% and 50% and by 1.5 times the assessed degree of disability for the portion above 50%.

Constant-attendance supplement: 40% of the pension.

Workers' Medical Benefits

Benefits include medical and surgical care, hospitalization, medicines, appliances, rehabilitation, and transportation.

Survivor Benefits

Survivor pension: 30% of the insured's earnings.

Orphan's pension: 15% of the insured's earnings each for the first and second orphan and 10% for each additional orphan; 20% for each full orphan.

Dependent parents and grandparents: 10% of the insured's earnings each.

The maximum survivor pension is 85% of earnings.

Burial grant: 1/50 of the maximum annual income of the insured, based on maximum monthly earnings of 200,000 CFA francs.

Administrative Organization

Ministry of Public Administration, Labor, Social Security, and Professional Training provides general supervision.

Central African Social Security Office administers contributions and benefits.

Family Allowances

Regulatory Framework

First law: 1956.

Current law: 1965.

Type of program: Employment-related system.


Employees and social insurance beneficiaries with one or more children.

Special system for public-sector employees.

Source of Funds

Insured person: None.

Employer: 12% of payroll.

Government: None.

The maximum monthly earnings for contribution purposes are 200,000 CFA francs.

All of the above contributions also finance maternity benefits.

Qualifying Conditions

Family allowances: The child must be under age 15 (age 18 if an apprentice; age 20 if a student or disabled). School attendance is required for children of school age. The parent must have 6 months of employment and be currently working 20 days or 133 hours a month or be a social insurance beneficiary. Prenatal allowance requires a medical examination.

Family Allowance Benefits

Family allowances: 1,200 CFA francs a month for each child.

Prenatal allowance: 1,200 CFA francs a month for 9 months.

Young family allowance: A lump sum of 10,000 CFA francs for each of the first three births.

Some maternity and child health and welfare services are also provided.

Administrative Organization

Ministry of Public Administration, Labor, Social Security, and Professional Training provides general supervision.

Central African Social Security Office administers the program.