JUL-18-95 TUE 13:58 FAX NO, 7166317610 P.04 07-14-1995 03:50PM FROM TO 6317610 P.03 III-7.4300 Parking. A.[Insert the following before the first sentence of this section, p. 60.] If self-parking is provided for employees or guests of a public accommodation accessible parking spaces must be provided in compliance with ADA B. [Insert the following text before the paragraph beginning "If valet parking...?" P.61] Accessible parking spaces must be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to the facility's entrance. Accessible parking spaces and the required accessible route should be located where individuals with disabilities do not have to cross vehicular lanes or pass behind vehicles to have access to the entrance. If it is necessary to cross vehicle lane because for example, local fire engine access requirements prohibit parking immediately adjacent to a building, then a marked crossing should be used as part of the accessible route to the entrance. III-7.5000 Building New construction. III-7.5170 Telephones. [Insert the following text to the paragraph 6 of this section, p. 63.] Moreover, if any of the public pay telephones provided in these locations are coin-operated, then a TDD or text telephone that can be used with a coin-operated telephone must be provided. If all of the public pay telephones provided in these locations are card-operated only, then it is permissible to provide a TDD or text telephone that can be used only with card operated telephones. III-7.5180 Assembly areas. [Insert the following text before the sentence beginning "Finally, wheelchair seating..." p.64] In addition to requiring companion seating and dispersion of wheelchair locations ADAAG requires that wheelchair locations provide people with disabilities lines of sight comparable to those for members of the general public. Thus in assembly areas where spectators can be expected to stand during the event or show being viewed, the wheelchair locations must provide lines of sight over spectators who stand. This can accomplished in many ways including placing wheelchair locations at the front of the seating sections, or by providing sufficient additional elevation for wheelchair locations placed at the rear of seating sections to allow those spectators to see over the spectators who stand in front of them. III-7800 Special facility types 13 TOTAL P.03 01-03908