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Introduces and passes amendment to the Higher Education Act

WASHINGTON – This morning, United States Rep. Virginia Foxx (N.C.-5) offered and passed an amendment to the Higher Education Act that would promote greater competition and accountability in TRIO grant programs.  Her amendment would require the Secretary of Education to establish minimum performance standards for these programs and to evaluate their quality and efficacy.

“A performance-based grant selection process would ensure that the most qualified applicants receive grants,” said Rep. Foxx.  “This leads to a better value for American taxpayers and better results to those benefiting from the grants.  I am pleased that my colleagues on the Committee on Education & the Workforce helped to pass this common-sense amendment.”

Since 1990, TRIO funding has more than tripled, but current law does not require recipients to prove results in achieving the program’s stated purpose.  Rep. Foxx believes that any program receiving government funding should be able to prove the effect of the program.

“Taxpayers deserve to know that their tax dollars are producing results,” she said.

Rep. Foxx’s amendment would help remedy this problem by identifying strengths and weaknesses in programs and implementing training and assistance where it is needed.  Should a program not meet criteria, then grants would go elsewhere.

“The competition increases quality by fostering higher expectations,” said Rep. Foxx.  “TRIO eligible students deserve to be served by the highest quality program that is available.  My amendment would accomplish that.”

The Higher Education Act reauthorizes the federal government’s major student aid programs in addition to other significant programs that provide aid and support services to institutions of higher education.  The Higher Education Act was last reauthorized in 1998 and is typically authorized every 5 years.

“I applaud Chairman John Boehner and Subcommittee Chairman Buck McKeon for their hard work and effort to reform and strengthen federal student aid and higher education programs.  This bill makes great strides towards expanding college access and ensuring a quality education for every American student with more effective use of federal resources,” said Rep. Foxx.
