


TEXT PDF831.101 Administration.
TEXT PDF831.102 Basic records.
TEXT PDF831.103 Evidence.
TEXT PDF831.104 Application.
TEXT PDF831.105 Computation of interest.
TEXT PDF831.106 Disclosure of information.
TEXT PDF831.107 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF831.108 Major reorganization, reduction in force, or transfer of function.
TEXT PDF831.109 Initial decision and reconsideration.
TEXT PDF831.110 Appeals.
TEXT PDF831.111 Employee deductions and agency contributions.
TEXT PDF831.112 Definitions of employee.
TEXT PDF831.113 Payments to children.
TEXT PDF831.114 Early retirement--major reorganization, major reduction in force, or major transfer of function.
TEXT PDF831.201 Exclusions from retirement coverage.
TEXT PDF831.202 Continuation of coverage for food service employees of the House of Representatives.
TEXT PDF831.203 Continuation of coverage for employees of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority.
TEXT PDF831.204 Elections of retirement coverage under the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Act of 1995.
TEXT PDF831.301 Military service.
TEXT PDF831.302 Unused sick leave.
TEXT PDF831.303 Civilian service.
TEXT PDF831.304 Service with the Cadet Nurse Corps during World War II.
TEXT PDF831.305 Service with a nonappropriated fund instrumentality after June 18, 1952, but before January 1, 1966.
TEXT PDF831.306 Service as a National Guard technician before January 1, 1969.
TEXT PDF831.307 Contract service.
TEXT PDF831.401 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF831.402 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.403 Eligibility to make voluntary contributions.
TEXT PDF831.404 Procedure for making voluntary contributions.
TEXT PDF831.405 Interest on voluntary contributions.
TEXT PDF831.406 Withdrawal of voluntary contributions.
TEXT PDF831.407 Purchase of additional annuity.
TEXT PDF831.501 Time for filing applications.
TEXT PDF831.502 Automatic separation; exemption.
TEXT PDF831.503 Retirement based on involuntary separation.
TEXT PDF831.601 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF831.602 Relation to other regulations.
TEXT PDF831.603 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.611 Election at time of retirement of fully reduced annuity to provide a current spouse annuity.
TEXT PDF831.612 Election at time of retirement of a fully reduced annuity or a partially reduced annuity to provide a former spouse annuity.
TEXT PDF831.613 Election of insurable interest annuity.
TEXT PDF831.614 Election of a self-only annuity or partially reduced annuity by married employees and Members.
TEXT PDF831.616 Elections by previously retired retiree with new title to an annuity.
TEXT PDF831.618 Waiver of spousal consent requirement.
TEXT PDF831.619 Marital status at time of retirement.
TEXT PDF831.621 Changes of election before final adjudication.
TEXT PDF831.622 Changes of election after final adjudication.
TEXT PDF831.631 Post-retirement election of fully reduced annuity or partially reduced annuity to provide a current spouse annuity.
TEXT PDF831.632 Post-retirement election of fully reduced annuity or partially reduced annuity to provide a former spouse annuity.
TEXT PDF831.641 Division of a survivor annuity.
TEXT PDF831.642 Marriage duration requirements.
TEXT PDF831.643 Time for filing applications for death benefits.
TEXT PDF831.644 Remarriage.
TEXT PDF831.645 Elections between survivor annuities.
TEXT PDF831.651 Commencing and terminating dates of survivor annuities.
TEXT PDF831.661 Deposits not subject to waiver.
TEXT PDF831.662 Deposits required to change an election after final adjudication.
TEXT PDF831.663 Actuarial reduction in annuity of retirees who make post-retirement elections to provide a current spouse annuity or a former spouse annuity.
TEXT PDF831.664 Post-retirement survivor election deposits that were partially paid before October 1, 1993.
TEXT PDF831.665 Payment of deposits under 831.631, 831.632, 831.682, or 831.684 under pre-October 1, 1993, law or when the retiree has died prior to October 1, 1993.
TEXT PDF831.671 Proof of eligibility for a child's annuity.
TEXT PDF831.672 Annuity for a child age 18 to 22 during full-time school attendance.
TEXT PDF831.673 Rates of child annuities.
TEXT PDF831.681 Annual notice required by Public Law 95-317.
TEXT PDF831.682 Election by a retiree who retired before May 7, 1985, to provide a former spouse annuity.
TEXT PDF831.683 Annuities for former spouses of employees or Members retired before May 7, 1985.
TEXT PDF831.684 Second chance elections to provide survivor benefits.
TEXT PDF831.685 Changes in elections to provide a current spouse annuity by a retiree who retired before May 28, 1986.
TEXT PDF831.701 Effective dates of annuities.
TEXT PDF831.702 Adjustment of annuities.
TEXT PDF831.703 Computation of annuities for part-time service.
TEXT PDF831.704 Annuities including credit for service with a nonappropriated fund instrumentality.
TEXT PDF831.901 Applicability and purpose.
TEXT PDF831.902 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.903 Conditions for coverage in primary positions.
TEXT PDF831.904 Conditions for coverage in secondary positions.
TEXT PDF831.905 Evidence.
TEXT PDF831.906 Requests from individuals.
TEXT PDF831.907 Withholdings and contributions.
TEXT PDF831.908 Mandatory separation.
TEXT PDF831.909 Reemployment.
TEXT PDF831.910 Review of decisions.
TEXT PDF831.911 Oversight of coverage determinations.
TEXT PDF831.1001 Purpose.
TEXT PDF831.1002 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.1003 Deductions from pay.
TEXT PDF831.1004 Agency contributions.
TEXT PDF831.1005 Offset from nondisability annuity.
TEXT PDF831.1006 Offset from disability or survivor annuity.
TEXT PDF831.1101 Scope.
TEXT PDF831.1102 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.1104 Notice.
TEXT PDF831.1105 Answer; request for hearing.
TEXT PDF831.1106 Hearing.
TEXT PDF831.1107 Powers of presiding officers.
TEXT PDF831.1108 Witnesses.
TEXT PDF831.1109 Evidence.
TEXT PDF831.1110 Initial decision.
TEXT PDF831.1111 Appeal and review.
TEXT PDF831.1112 Final decision.
TEXT PDF831.1201 Introduction.
TEXT PDF831.1202 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.1203 Basic requirements for disability retirement.
TEXT PDF831.1204 Filing disability retirement applications: General.
TEXT PDF831.1205 Agency-filed disability retirement applications.
TEXT PDF831.1206 Evidence supporting entitlement to disability benefits.
TEXT PDF831.1207 Withdrawal of disability retirement applications.
TEXT PDF831.1208 Termination of disability annuity because of recovery.
TEXT PDF831.1209 Termination of disability annuity because of restoration to earning capacity.
TEXT PDF831.1210 Annuity rights after a disability annuity terminates.
TEXT PDF831.1211 Reinstatement of disability annuity.
TEXT PDF831.1212 Administrative review of OPM decisions.
TEXT PDF831.1301 Purpose.
TEXT PDF831.1302 Scope.
TEXT PDF831.1303 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.1304 Processing.
TEXT PDF831.1305 Collection of debts.
TEXT PDF831.1306 Collection by administrative offset.
TEXT PDF831.1307 Use of consumer reporting agencies.
TEXT PDF831.1308 Referral to a collection agency.
TEXT PDF831.1309 Referral for litigation.
TEXT PDF831.1401 Conditions for waiver.
TEXT PDF831.1402 Fault.
TEXT PDF831.1403 Equity and good conscience.
TEXT PDF831.1404 Financial hardship.
TEXT PDF831.1405 Ordinary and necessary living expenses.
TEXT PDF831.1406 Waiver precluded.
TEXT PDF831.1407 Burdens of proof.
TEXT PDF831.1501 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.1511 Authorized allottees.
TEXT PDF831.1521 Limitations.
TEXT PDF831.1801 Purpose.
TEXT PDF831.1802 Scope.
TEXT PDF831.1803 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.1804 Conditions for requesting an offset.
TEXT PDF831.1805 Creditor agency processing for non-fraud claims.
TEXT PDF831.1806 OPM processing for non-fraud claims.
TEXT PDF831.1807 Installment withholdings.
TEXT PDF831.1808 Special processing for fraud claims.
TEXT PDF831.1901 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.1902 Federal-State agreements.
TEXT PDF831.1903 OPM responsibilities.
TEXT PDF831.1904 State responsibilities.
TEXT PDF831.1905 Additional provisions.
TEXT PDF831.1906 Agreement modification and termination.
TEXT PDF831.1907 Authority to use the Federal Personnel Manual System.
TEXT PDF831.2001 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.2002 Eligibility for lump-sum payment upon filing an Application for Refund of Retirement Deductions (SF 2802).
TEXT PDF831.2003 Eligibility for lump-sum payment upon death or retirement.
TEXT PDF831.2004 Amount of lump-sums.
TEXT PDF831.2005 Designation of beneficiary for lump-sum payment.
TEXT PDF831.2006 Designation of agent by next of kin.
TEXT PDF831.2007 Notification of current and/or former spouse before payment of lump sum.
TEXT PDF831.2008 Waiver of spouse and/or former spouse notification requirement.
TEXT PDF831.2009 Lump sum payments which include contributions made to a retirement system for employees of a nonappropriated fund instrumentality.
TEXT PDF831.2010 Transfers between retirement systems.
TEXT PDF831.2011 Effect of part 772 of this chapter on CSRS lump-sum payments.
TEXT PDF831.2101 Purpose.
TEXT PDF831.2102 Scope.
TEXT PDF831.2103 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.2104 Eligibility to make deposit.
TEXT PDF831.2105 Filing an application to make deposit.
TEXT PDF831.2106 Processing applications for deposit for service.
TEXT PDF831.2107 Payments on deposits.
TEXT PDF831.2201 Purpose.
TEXT PDF831.2202 Definitions.
TEXT PDF831.2203 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF831.2204 Alternative forms of annuities available.
TEXT PDF831.2205 Computation of alternative form of annuity.
TEXT PDF831.2206 Election to pay deposit or redeposit for civilian service.
TEXT PDF831.2207 Partial deferred payment of the lump-sum credit if annuity commences after January 3, 1988, and before October 1, 1989.
TEXT PDF831.2208 Partial deferred payment of the lump-sum credit if annuity commences after December 2, 1989, and before October 1, 1995.
TEXT PDF831.2209 Redetermined annuity after reemployment.

