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Озеленение американских корпораций

Озеленение американских корпораций

В этом выпуске eJournal USA рассматривается современная тенденция в области экологии, которая вызывает удивление даже среди людей, хорошо знакомых с историей защиты окружающей среды в США - освоение американскими корпорациями новых экологически сбалансированных способов ведения бизнеса.  Что же побуждает компании к “озеленению”? 

Инвалиды в США

Инвалиды в США

При определенной поддержке даже люди с самой тяжелой инвалидностью могут преодолеть накладываемые ею недостатки и жить полноценной и продуктивной жизнью. В этом журнале говорится о некоторых таких случаях. Мы надеемся, что вам интересно будет прочитать о действующем в США законодательстве, помогающем инвалидам, а также о специальных программах, облегчающих их жизнь. Открывая новые возможности и устраняя существующие барьеры, мы далеко не закончили эту работу, однако вы увидите из представленных статей, чего мы добились на первоначальном этапе.

Markets and Democracy

Markets and Democracy

The connection between markets and democracy has never been a straight line. Since the 1700s economic thinkers have been debating this complex relationship. Is it possible to have free markets without democracy? Which develops first? Can the incentive of economic growth lead to greater democracy in countries that are not democratic?

The 12 international experts we’ve assembled in this issue take up different aspects of the conundrum and offer their answers to these questions. Our goal, however, is not to resolve a centuries-old intellectual debate but to deepen our readers’ understanding about the nuances of what is undeniably a matter of importance for everybody in the world today.

Venture Capital Meets Hi-Tech

Venture Capital Meets Hi-Tech

This eJournal explores the phenomenon that drives uncounted Americans — and now citizens of other nations — to create fledgling “start-up” businesses that explore and exploit the latest developments in high technology. It also investigates the closely related “venture capital” phenomenon. How investors match their funds to (hopefully) winning ideas is a big part of the start-up story.

The Olympic Experience

The Olympic Experience

The Olympic Games remind us of certain universal human values. Every Olympian has a story that echoes the shared human struggle for excellence and our devotion to pursue purpose in life. In this issue of eJournal USA, we celebrate the Olympics through the individual experiences and insights of athletes who share their memories of the Olympic Experience.

Clean Energy Solutions

Clean Energy Solutions

Projected dramatic increases in energy consumption in the coming decades, combined with a higher risk of climate change, require a massive global response based on technological innovation and the power of the marketplace. Experts and government officials describe the options before us, including renewable energy, novel vehicles, and low-carbon power generation, and discuss the best ways leading to a sustainable energy future.

The Next New Thing

The Next New Thing

Innovation is the art of creating something new, and everyday in the U.S. and around the world, scientists, students, and everyday people are working to bring to life an idea that is theirs alone. This edition of eJournal USA tells the story of innovators and their creations.

Immigrants Joining the Mainstream

Immigrants Joining the Mainstream

Immigrants made the United States what it is. Being an American depends on acceptance of certain American ideals, not on the place of birth of a person or of his or her ancestors. This edition of eJournal USA tells the story of immigration and diversity as it has played out through the centuries and continues to play out now.

See You in the U.S.A.

See You in the U.S.A.

This eJournal USA brings together the information you need to make your trip to the United States as easy as possible. It also defines the acronyms of U.S. government travel programs and explains how these fit in with those of other nations.

College and University Education in the United States

College and University Education in the United States

From the many types of institutions to the virtually unlimited array of programs and majors, the universities and colleges in the United States reflect the diversity, tolerance, and pursuit of excellence that characterize the best of the country as a whole. Through this journal, prospective international students and their parents and advisors will learn about the American system of higher education and academic and student life at U.S. colleges and universities.

World Youth Building a Future

World Youth Building a Future

This eJournal pens a window on the real life experiences of young people who have left home and family to participate in an international exchange program. Young American adults offer first-person accounts of their discoveries in educational programs abroad, and exchange students from various other countries share their insights about adjusting to life and family customs in the United States.

Transforming the Culture of Corruption

Transforming the Culture of Corruption

In recent years, through a series of international agreements, a global framework for combating corruption has begun to emerge. Individual countries can now make their anticorruption efforts more effective by vigorously implementing anticorruption commitments and relying on international cooperation. This issue of eJournal USA highlights the important roles that the public sector, private sector, and non-governmental organizations play in eradicating corruption worldwide.

The Long Campaign: U.S. Elections 2008

The Long Campaign: U.S. Elections 2008

This edition of eJournal USA presents an introduction to the upcoming 2008 U.S. elections. In these elections, U.S. voters will have the opportunity to vote for president and vice president, congressional representatives, state and local officials, and ballot initiatives. The journal describes aspects of this election which make it different from most recent elections and includes a pro-con debate of the Electoral College.

Dynamic English

Dynamic English

This edition of eJournal USA discusses forces that shape and change everyday English. From cultural and international influences, such as words that come directly, or in a changed form from another language, to popular media, including movies, music and sports, to changes arising from technological developments, the authors present examples of ways English changes daily. Other articles describe the process of language change, and tips for deciphering slang.
