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  • Sec.  7671. Definitions.
  • Sec.  7671a. Listing of class I and class II substances.
  • Sec.  7671b. Monitoring and reporting requirements.
  • Sec.  7671c. Phase-out of production and consumption of class I substances.
  • Sec.  7671d. Phase-out of production and consumption of class II substances.
  • Sec.  7671e. Accelerated schedule.
  • Sec.  7671f. Exchange authority.
  • Sec.  7671g. National recycling and emission reduction program.
  • Sec.  7671h. Servicing of motor vehicle air conditioners.
  • Sec.  7671i. Nonessential products containing chlorofluorocarbons.
  • Sec.  7671j. Labeling.
  • Sec.  7671k. Safe alternatives policy.
  • Sec.  7671l. Federal procurement.
  • Sec.  7671m. Relationship to other laws.
  • Sec.  7671n. Authority of Administrator.
  • Sec.  7671o. Transfers among Parties to Montreal Protocol.
  • Sec.  7671p. International cooperation.
  • Sec.  7671q. Miscellaneous provisions.
bwr rule

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(Last updated January 8, 2004)