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Akaka Reacts to Votes on Iraq Policy, Funding and GI Bill

Vows to fight Bush's expected veto of the New GI Bill with action in Veterans' Affairs Committee

May 22, 2008

Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka issued the following statement today regarding his votes in favor of passage of amendments to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill (H.R. 2642):

"Ever since the decision was made to send our Armed Forces to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, I have consistently fought to ensure our brave men and women in uniform receive the best equipment and training available.  This bill provides the necessary funding to support our troops and make sure they have the resources they need. The bill also includes critically important domestic spending provisions, such as disaster funding for Hurricane Katrina victims still struggling to recover, and a thirteen-week extension of unemployment insurance for Americans trying to get back on their feet during these difficult economic times.

I was disappointed that a number of provisions related to the Iraq war were defeated, including language expressing the sense of the Congress that the mission of our forces in Iraq should be transitioned to counter-terrorism operations, training and support for the Iraqi forces by June 2009.  I have long advocated for the development and implementation of a clear and concise plan for withdrawal.  Every day that this war drags on, more of our servicemembers are physically injured or killed.  Many more suffer psychological wounds that may never heal.  It is time for the Iraqi government, military and police to take control of their own country, and to begin to bring our troops home.

"However, I am delighted that Senate approved the New GI Bill for the 21st Century that I worked closely with Senator Webb to develop.  This measure would establish a new program of educational assistance for veterans and service members.  Sadly, President Bush, who sent our troops into war and is again requesting billions of dollars to pay for it, has threatened to veto this measure. 

"Today, I extend my personal pledge to Senator Webb and all who support a revitalized GI Bill.  If bill is vetoed and Congress fails to override the veto, I will bring Senator Webb's New GI Bill before the Veterans' Affairs Committee during our markup next month and urge that the Committee favorably report it to the Senate.  It is time to give those young servicemembers, stepping forward voluntarily and putting themselves in harm's way, an opportunity for quality educational assistance. We must make good on our promise of an education in return for serving honorably in our military.  I am committed to seeing this legislation become law."

Akaka is Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs and Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support.  He is a veteran of World War II and was a beneficiary of the original WWII GI Bill.  He was one of 23 Senators who voted against the Iraq war authorization in October 2002. 



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May 2008

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