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Louisville Storm Recovery

Dear Friend,

I know that the task of rebuilding a community after a natural disaster can be daunting and overwhelming.  You are not alone and I wanted to make sure you had access to information and basic tips that you may find helpful as you deal with the aftermath of the severe wind storms that recently ripped through our community. 

I have recently called on Congress to provide emergency funding for Louisville and am working closely with Governor Beshear and Mayor Abramson to ensure that we have everything necessary for a swift and full recovery. 

I urge everyone to stay away from downed lines, as any downed line or anything touching them (such as trees, fences, etc.), may be dangerous.   If you see a downed line, call 589-3500, and parents, please alert your children to the dangers associated with downed wires.

For additional Storm recovery assistance, please visit the links below or contact one of my Yarmuth's Louisville offices, downtown at 582-5129 or 933-5863 for the South End.

My thoughts and prayers are with you as work together to get through this difficult time.

John Yarmuth


*   Food Services    *    Shelter    *   Debris Disposal   *   Garbage   *


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