Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Administration Oversight

Documents Reveal New Allegations Against GSA Administrator

“Lurita, I will do anything for you and will do for the rest of my life... But I have spent so much time at GSA from the report planning to these sessions with ZERO $$. How do we solve”

Email from Edie Fraser
to Lurita Doan (Sept. 6, 2006)

In January Chairman Waxman requested documents related to the awarding of a no-bid contract to Edie Fraser, a longtime friend of GSA Administrator Doan. According to the report, Ms. Doan signed a contract for $20,000 for a 24-page report promoting GSA's use of minority- and women-owned businesses. GSA later terminated the contract.

Documents now reveal that Administrator Doan had a long-standing business relationship with Ms. Fraser that has not been disclosed previously, that Ms. Fraser used her professional connections to advance Doan’s nomination to GSA and to provide personal favors, and that Ms. Fraser continued to provide services with the expectation of payment to Ms. Doan after she became GSA Administrator.

The January Teleconference

New allegations have also been raised regarding a January teleconference in which Ms. Doan asked GSA officials to find opportunities to help Republican political candidates. Information received by the Committee indicates that this issue has been referred by the GSA Inspector General to the Office of Special Counsel for investigation under the Hatch Act, which prohibits executive branch officials from engaging in partisan politics while on duty, in official government work spaces, or with government equipment.

The Sun Microsystems Contract

Chairman Waxman has also received information indicating that Administrator Doan intervened on behalf of Sun Microsystems in the midst of a lengthy contract renewal dispute with GSA. As a result of Doan's intervention, federal taxpayers could pay millions more for the IT services provided by Sun Microsystems.

GSA plays a vital role in federal procurement, and the agency is expected to maintain the highest standards of accountability and transparency. Chairman Waxman has invited Administrator Doan to testify before the Oversight Committee on March 20, 2007, so that she can respond to the new allegations.