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For Immediate Release: Friday, May 07, 2004
Contact: Rebecca   Black (913) 383-2013

Moore joins House in condemning abuse of Iraqi prisoners

Congress expresses appreciation for troops serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – On Thursday, the U.S. House approved H. Res. 627, a resolution deploring the abuse of persons in United States custody in Iraq, regardless of the circumstances of their detention, and urging the Secretary of the Army to bring to swift justice any member of the Armed Forces who has violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

“The grotesque abuse of Iraqi prisoners is completely unacceptable and against everything our country stands for and holds dear,” Moore said. “I have heard from many concerned constituents who agree with me that these actions are appalling and absolutely deplorable. Those responsible should be prosecuted and punished, not just reprimanded. We need to send a signal to the world that the United States is serious about fixing these atrocities. The investigation should be at all levels and cover both policies and the people who implement them to prevent something like this from ever happening again.”

H. Res. 627 also expresses the deep appreciation of the Nation to the courageous and honorable members of the Armed Forces who have selflessly served, or are currently serving, in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

“It is tragic that the atrocious behavior of a small number of American soldiers may tarnish the reputation of U.S. troops overall,” Moore said. “The vast majority of U.S. troops in Iraq are courageously performing their duties and are living up to the highest standards of the U.S. military. They are serving our country with honor, distinction and dedication and deserve our country’s deepest gratitude.”

The House passed the resolution by a vote of 365 to 50. Moore voted for the resolution.
