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For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Contact: Glen   Sears 2022252865

Blue Dog Co-Chairs Applaud Chairman Spratt for Including Key Blue Dog Principles in Budget Resolution

Members Reiterate Call for Fiscally Responsible AMT Relief, Statutory PAYGO

Washington, D.C. – Today, members of the fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition commended House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt for maintaining a commitment to key Blue Dog principles in the fiscal 2009 budget resolution, including adherence to pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) budget discipline and a fully offset fix for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).

Blue Dogs, who recently criticized the President’s fiscal year 2009 budget as a clear extension of the Administration’s reckless fiscal policies over the past seven years, pointed to the following Blue Dog-advocated budget priorities that are included in the Democratic Budget:

  • Adherence to PAYGO budget discipline, a principle long advocated by the Blue Dogs as a solution for putting an end to deficit spending and reducing the unprecedented $9 trillion national debt;

  • Fiscally responsible tax relief for 23 million middle income Americans by providing for a fully offset AMT fix;

  • A commitment to the extension of statutory PAYGO requirements, a tool that was instrumental in the return of budget surpluses during the 1990s;

  • A commitment to provide adequate funding for our government’s number one priority: the defense of our country and our citizens. This budget provides for a strong national defense, matching the funding request in the President’s budget and providing increases in homeland security funding levels;

  • Putting an end to irresponsible deficit spending, providing for a balanced budget by 2012 and greater deficit reduction than the President’s budget over 5 years;

  • A commitment to tough program integrity measures to crack down on wasteful spending, as well as instructions to House committees to conduct regular performance reviews of programs and recommend legislative and administrative measures to improve them; and

  • A commitment that the legislative and executive branches must take immediate, bipartisan action to address the nation’s long-term fiscal challenges.

“As members of Congress, it is our job to set priorities and create a budget that fulfills those priorities while also meeting our long-term fiscal responsibilities,” said Congressman Dennis Moore (D-KS), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Policy. “The Blue Dogs take that responsibility very seriously and, given the inclusion of Blue Dog priorities in the Committee’s budget proposal, it’s obvious that others are following our lead. We aren’t going to fix our current fiscal troubles overnight, but thanks to Chairman Spratt and the Blue Dogs we are making steady progress every day.”

“Unlike the President’s budget, which continues a legacy of unrestrained spending and unmanageable debt, Chairman Spratt has demonstrated that he is committed to putting our country’s fiscal house in order by adhering to these critical Blue Dog budget principles,” said Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Communications. “We look forward to working with Chairman Spratt and the Democratic leadership to implement statutory PAYGO requirements in the coming year as part of our fight to ensure that every bill that passes this House is fiscally responsible and fully offset.”

“With the inclusion of key Blue Dog priorities in the House Budget Resolution, such as PAYGO rules and a strong national defense, it is clear that the Blue Dogs continue to influence the Democratic agenda. I applaud Chairman Spratt for his work to restore our nation’s financial health through a fiscally responsible and honest budget,” said Congressman Allen Boyd (D-FL), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Administration. “Despite the constant attempts by this Administration to add to our growing debt and leave future generations with the bill, the Blue Dogs remain committed to fiscal responsibility, and we will continue to act as the fiscal watchdogs in Congress.”

The fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition was formed in 1995 with the goal of representing the center of the House of Representatives and appealing to the mainstream values of the American public. The Blue Dogs are dedicated to a core set of beliefs that transcend partisan politics, including a deep commitment to the financial stability and national security of the United States. Currently there are 47 members of the Blue Dog Coalition. For more information, visit the Blue Dog Website at
