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Contact: Joe Brenckle - Republican Press Office 202-224-3991
Brian Eaton w/Stevens 202-224-0445
Jenilee Keefe w/Inouye 202-224-7824
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Inouye and Stevens Cosponsor Bill to Reauthorize the FAA
Measure Would Modernize U.S. Air Traffic Control System
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Commerce Committee Vice Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) today joined Senators Jay Rockefeller (D – W. Va.) and Trent Lott (R-Miss.) to cosponsor legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and modernize the nation’s air traffic control system. The bipartisan legislation (the Aviation Investment and Modernization Act of 2007) addresses the need for increased funding for airport modernization, improved air cargo infrastructure, a provision to keep experienced pilots flying and increased funding for the Essential Air Service (EAS) program, which ensures small communities are connected to the national transportation system with a minimal level of scheduled air service. Currently, more than 140 rural communities across the nation benefit from this program.
“The entire country, rural and urban, will benefit from this FAA reauthorization bill and its provisions to modernize our air traffic control system.  It will ensure that the national air space system is modernized effectively and efficiently to keep pace with the growing demand for air travel during the coming decades.  These provisions will ensure that the traveling public continues to be served,” said Senator Inouye. “In Hawaii, we depend on aviation to connect us as a state, as well as connect us to the rest of the country and the world. This legislation delivers the promise of improving access and providing affordable, secure and quality air service to all Americans, regardless of geographic location.”
“While this bill is a step in the right direction, I will be looking for feedback from Alaskans in order to make this legislation better,” said Senator Stevens. “It is important that the FAA Reauthorization continue to move forward through the process because the residents of Alaska depend on aviation more than any other state.  Aviation is of particular importance to Alaska because more than seventy percent of our communities can be reached throughout the year only by air.  Rural air service is literally a lifeline for many Alaskan communities.”
“For years we’ve understood that our nation’s aviation system faced an impending crisis if we did not take action to modernize our air traffic control and update antiquated systems.  Passengers, airlines and recreational fliers all benefit from the development of next generation air traffic control systems and additional runways,” Senator Rockefeller said. “Senator Lott and I worked together to develop the best, fairest way to spread the cost of these much needed aviation improvements among the users of the system.   I look forward to working with Chairman Inouye and Vice Chairman Stevens to ensure that the U.S. airline industry remains the safest in the world.”
 “Aviation is far too critical to American passengers and businesses for us to be satisfied with an inefficient and aging national system,” Senator Lott said.  “We have tremendous demand for more capacity, and modernization is essential for future economic growth.”
The Aviation Investment and Modernization Act of 2007 specifically addresses:
Airport Improvement Program:  Airport infrastructure funding is increased under the legislation $100 million per year throughout the authorization: $3.8 billion for 2008, $3.9 billion for 2009, $4.0 billion in 2010, and $4.1 billion in 2011.  The bill also maintains Congressional commitment to small airports and acknowledges the tremendous growth in cargo by increasing the funds that go toward cargo airports.
Air Traffic Modernization:  The legislation also proposes an Air Traffic Modernization Fund.  In the bill, Congress allows the FAA to collect a surcharge of $25 per flight to support modernization of the air traffic control system from commercial air carriers and others utilizing the air traffic control system.  The charge is generally limited to commercial and business jet and turboprop aircraft that actively use the full services of the air traffic control system.  Nearly ninety percent of general aviation flights are exempted from this surcharge, which includes all piston engine aircraft. 
Essential Air Service for Rural Communities:  The bill extends and provides additional funding for improved rural air service.  The EAS program would be authorized at a level of $6 million above current authorizations to a total of $133 million.  Currently more than 140 rural communities across the nation benefit from this program.
Aviation Safety:  The bill proposes a number of measures to improve aviation safety.  The legislation requires the FAA to issue a plan to provide runway incursion information to pilots in the cockpit and finalize a rule on fuel tank flammability of commercial air carriers – both measures were among the highest priorities of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).  A study on crew cabin fatigue by the National Academy of Sciences is proposed that would be required to consider the latest research on fatigue, circadian rhythms and international standards.
Age 60 Rule:  The bill would modify the FAA’s outdated Age 60 rule by allowing commercial pilots to fly until age 65 if another pilot in the aircraft is less than 60 years old. 
A copy of the bill is attached.
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