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U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
For Immediate Release
May 8th, 2007
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation today reported S. 357, the Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act, as amended, by a voice vote. The Act would revise corporate average fuel economy standards to achieve a nationwide fleet average of 35 miles per gallon by the year 2020. The bill also would create, for the first time, fuel economy standards for medium-duty and heavy-duty trucks, and would provide the Secretary of Transportation expanded authority to prescribe and enforce fuel economy standards.


A full statement from Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) is below.


“Today, the Commerce Committee reported S. 357, the Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act of 2007.  This is the first time in sixteen years that the Commerce Committee has reported CAFE legislation to the full Senate.  In those sixteen years, our passenger car and light truck fleets have been virtually frozen in terms of fuel economy savings.  In those sixteen years, the effects of global warming have become more pronounced due to increased greenhouse gas emissions, and the oil exporting regions of the world have become more hostile and more unstable.  The time is now to develop a comprehensive approach aimed at stopping the impacts of global warming and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.  Adoption of S. 357 would be a first critical step in achieving these goals."


“There have been significant discussions about the proper approach to increasing fuel economy for passenger cars and light trucks.  While it is essential that we support research for the next generation of engine technologies, such as hydrogen fuel cells, technologies already exist that can make the fleet more efficient without sacrificing consumer choice in automobiles.  The notion of increasing fuel economy now while planning for the future is common sense, and S. 357 creates a structure that allows for that approach."


“Ten-in-Ten mandates the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to increase the fuel economy of the nationwide fleet of passenger cars and light trucks to 35 mpg by 2020, and then continue to improve fuel economy by four percent per year for the next ten years.  For the first time, medium-duty and heavy-duty trucks will be subject to fuel economy standards, which will address a significant sector in transportation fuel use.  The legislation also gives NHTSA the flexibility it needs to configure the CAFE program to achieve the maximum fuel savings while ensuring the stability of the automotive industry.  This aggressive but thoughtful approach will move fuel economy forward.  Consumers will spend less at the pump and the nation will be a more secure place. "


“Reporting this legislation could not have happened without the hard work of both Democratic and Republican members of this Committee.  I especially would like to thank Vice Chairman Stevens, Senator Dorgan, Senator Snowe, and the author of Ten-in-Ten, Senator Feinstein for helping in crafting the substitute amendment to S. 357 that will be considered by the full Senate.  The members of this coalition and the actions of the Commerce Committee today prove that national security and preserving our ecosystem are not partisan notions. "


“This bill addresses the needs of America today, while planning for the future, so I look forward to having S. 357, as amended, taken up and passed by the full Senate in the near future.”        

