Title 42--Public Health



TEXT PDF60.1 What is the HEAL program?
TEXT PDF60.5 Who is an eligible student borrower?
TEXT PDF60.6 Who is an eligible nonstudent borrower?
TEXT PDF60.7 The loan application process.
TEXT PDF60.8 What are the borrower's major rights and responsibilities?
TEXT PDF60.10 How much can be borrowed?
TEXT PDF60.11 Terms of repayment.
TEXT PDF60.12 Deferment.
TEXT PDF60.13 Interest.
TEXT PDF60.14 The insurance premium.
TEXT PDF60.15 Other charges to the borrower.
TEXT PDF60.16 Power of attorney.
TEXT PDF60.17 Security and endorsement.
TEXT PDF60.18 Consolidation of HEAL loans.
TEXT PDF60.19 Forms.
TEXT PDF60.20 The Secretary's collection efforts after payment of a default claim.
TEXT PDF60.21 Refunds.
TEXT PDF60.30 Which organizations are eligible to apply to be HEAL lenders and holders?
TEXT PDF60.31 The application to be a HEAL lender or holder.
TEXT PDF60.32 The HEAL lender or holder insurance contract.
TEXT PDF60.33 Making a HEAL loan.
TEXT PDF60.34 HEAL loan account servicing.
TEXT PDF60.35 HEAL loan collection.
TEXT PDF60.36 Consequence of using an agent.
TEXT PDF60.37 Forbearance.
TEXT PDF60.38 Assignment of a HEAL loan.
TEXT PDF60.39 Death and disability claims.
TEXT PDF60.40 Procedures for filing claims.
TEXT PDF60.41 Determination of amount of loss on claims.
TEXT PDF60.42 Records, reports, inspection, and audit requirements for HEAL lenders and holders.
TEXT PDF60.43 Limitation, suspension, or termination of the eligibility of a HEAL lender or holder.
TEXT PDF60.50 Which schools are eligible to be HEAL schools?
TEXT PDF60.51 The student loan application.
TEXT PDF60.52 The student's loan check.
TEXT PDF60.53 Notification to lender or holder of change in enrollment status.
TEXT PDF60.54 Payment of refunds by schools.
TEXT PDF60.55 Administrative and fiscal procedures.
TEXT PDF60.56 Records.
TEXT PDF60.57 Reports.
TEXT PDF60.58 Federal access to school records.
TEXT PDF60.59 Records and Federal access after a school is no longer a HEAL school.
TEXT PDF60.60 Limitation, suspension, or termination of the eligibility of a HEAL school.
TEXT PDF60.61 Responsibilities of a HEAL school.

