News From Sen. Sam Brownback


Contact: Erik Hotmire
Wednesday, May 17, 2000

WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback released the following statement today after receiving information that the World Bank intends to consider projects in Iran.

"It has come to my attention that the World Bank intends to consider two projects in Iran this Thursday, May 18," Brownback said. "These loans, should they go forward, will be the first new loans extended to Iran in seven years. It is a complete mystery to me why, at this time, the World Bank would wish to consider taking this step.

"It cannot have escaped the officials of the World Bank that Iran is currently in the throes of significant political turmoil and there is even doubt about whether the new Majles will be allowed to convene at the end of this month. There is an ongoing struggle for the reins of power. In addition, there are 13 Iranian Jews on trial in Shiraz, allegedly for spying for Israel. There is little doubt in my mind that these people are on trial because they are Jews - no more, no less. This too, does not appear to trouble the World Bank.

"Politically and morally, the consideration of these loans at this time is very unfortunate. In addition, the economic underpinnings of new lending to Iran seem equally unstable. There is no IMF program in place in Iran; there is no country assessment strategy. Questions remain about audit and management controls for these loans. In other words, the bank is rushing ahead without even following its own procedures.

"The World Bank is wrong - wrong politically and wrong economically. I call on President Wolfensohn to postpone consideration of new lending to Iran until the trial of the 13 Jews is ended, reformers have taken firm control and the World Bank's own lending guidelines have been met," Brownback said.

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