USDA Forest Service

Gifford Pinchot National Forest


Gifford Pinchot
National Forest

Forest Headquarters
10600 N.E. 51st Circle
Vancouver, WA 98682
(360) 891-5000
TTY: (360) 891-5003

Cowlitz Valley
Ranger District

10024 US Hwy 12
PO Box 670
Randle, WA 98377
(360) 497-1100
TTY: (360) 497-1101

Mt. Adams
Ranger District

2455 Hwy 141
Trout Lake, WA 98650
(509) 395-3400
TTY: (360) 891-5003

Mount St. Helens
National Volcanic

Monument Headquarters
42218 N.E. Yale Bridge Rd.
Amboy, WA 98601
(360) 449-7800
TTY: (360) 891-5003

Johnston Ridge Observatory
24000 Spirit Lake Highway
P.O. Box 326
Toutle, WA 98649
(360) 274-2140

Mount St. Helens
Visitor Center
at Silver Lake

3029 Spirit Lake Highway
Castle Rock, WA 98611
(Operated by Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission)

TTY: Phone for the Deaf

Current Conditions

Mount Adams Climbing Report

General Information |  Avalanche! |  Cascade Volcano Pass FAQ |  Climbing Report |  History
Mt. Adams Legend |  District Rec Report |  Sleeping Beauty Legend |  Summit Glaciers


Update for August 23, 2008

Fee season for Mt. Adams began on June 01, 2008


July 31, 2008: Access to Mt. Adams South Climbs reopens - revised Cold Springs Fire closure order


The Cascades Volcano Pass is required to climb Mt. Adams from June 1 to September 30.

Currently the South Climb Trail up to 8000 ft is free of snow.  False summit is no longer covered with continuous snow, however on 8/20-21, new snow was received above 7000 feet and there is still some new snow.  Some boulder scrambling is necessary.  Please prepare for winter-like conditions at high elevations and we still recommend crampons for the permanent snow fields.  There are large sun cups at all elevations with snow.  Currently we are recommending the Crescent Ridge route for your climb.  When descending, note the last cairn (a post with a rock pile base) on Crescent Ridge that marks the traverse to the lower trail at the base of the Crescent glacier.  Continuing down Crescent Ridge past this cairn is a common way for climbers to get lost as they miss the main trail and travel too far west.  Please check the glissade paths, there may be rocks coming through.  Do not glissade with crampons on. (This is a common cause of lower leg fractures).  Help is a very long time coming and cannot get to you in poor weather.  There are reports of running water at Lunch Counter, but be prepared to melt snow.  There is no running water below Lunch Counter.  As the nights get colder there is less running water.

Blue bags should be disposed of in the human waste containers at the South Climb parking lot.


Do not climb in hazardous weather!  Note that weather can change rapidly for the worst in the mountains despite forecasts. 

Review forecasts by the National Weather Service and any special postings by the NW Weather and Avalanche Center prior to any mountaineering.  (


The road to Cold Springs, the South Climb Trailhead, is open to the parking lot.  The 23 Rd. is still closed south of Takhlakh Lake due to an impassible wash out which is due to be repaired by the end of September.   The 25 road is open from Randle to the 90 rd, then to Trout Lake. 




The North Cleaver Route and the Mt. Adams Glacier Route can be accessed from the Killen Creek Trailhead.

NORTH CLEAVER: The North Cleaver Route is rocky. Ice axes and crampons are essential.

Access the North Cleaver via Killen Creek trail #113, then High Camp trail#10 (approximately four miles total). North Cleaver lies in a north-south direction between Adams and Lava Glaciers. A bearing of due south across the summit dome leads to the summit.

Time: 12-16 hours from the road to summit; 5-8 hours down. Allow 2 days).

ADAMS GLACIER: The Adams Glacier route is for experienced technical climbers only—Crevassed 35-40 degree slope and prevalent heavy rockfalls. Ice axes, crampons, and ropes required.

Access the Adams Glacier route via Killen Creek trail #113, then High Camp trail #10 (approximately four miles total). From High Camp bear southeast to the lower edge of Adams Glacier (approximately 7,000 feet elevation). Continue southeast for one to one-and-one half miles to icefall between North Ridge and Northwest Ridge. Ascend icefall to summit dome and then south to the True Summit.

Time: conditions on the Adams Glacier route are generally better in early summer. Allow two days to complete the climb.

ROAD CONDITIONS: Call for updated information. (509-394-3402). The Killen Creek Trailhead is accessible via the 5603 Road to the 2329 Road, then proceed to the Killen Creek Trailhead. The Trailhead is also accessible from the 23 Road to the 2329 Road, then proceed to the Killen Creek Trailhead.

Forest Road 23 between Randle and Trout Lake is impassible.  There is a washout of the road just south of Baby Shoe Pass that is scheduled for repair during the summer and fall of 2008. 

For the latest information on conditions please call the Mt. Adams Ranger Station at 509-395-3402.


US Forest Service
Gifford Pinchot National Forest - Vancouver, WA
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument - Amboy, WA
Last Modified: Tuesday, 26 August 2008 at 18:26:09 EDT

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