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Acting Director
James Goodrich
(513) 569-7605

Urban Watershed Management
Anthony N. Tafuri, Chief
(732) 321-6604

Treatment Technology Evaluation
Thomas Speth, Chief
(513) 569-7208

Microbial Contaminants Control
Mark Rodgers, Chief
(513) 569-7225

Water Quality Management
Roy Haught, Acting Chief
(513) 569-7067

  Asset Management Workshop: The Fundamentals of Asset Management – A Hands-On Approach (PDF) (3 pp, 108 KB)
The Water Supply and Water Resources (WSWR), plans, coordinates and conducts a national and international program to address several major areas. The WSWR has the responsibility for a research program to help prepare the primary and secondary regulations for drinking water. This program integrates chemistry, engineering, microbiology and cost analysis to provide effective, reliable and cost-effective techniques (source water protection, acquisition, treatment, distribution and residual management) for assuring the delivery of safe drinking water. The WSWR also has the responsibility for developing technology and strategies for protecting and restoring impaired waterways focusing on water quality stressors from: (1) agricultural and rural stormwater runoff; (2) combined sewer overflows; (3) urban stormwater and sanitary sewer overflows; (4) and wastewater treatment plants. The goal is to reduce the risks of chemically and microbiologically induced public health and aquatic habitat effects from these sources. The WSWR also investigates and evaluates environmental restoration strategies and technologies and addresses problems associated with deteriorating water and wastewater infrastructure systems.

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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