USDA Forest Service

Gifford Pinchot National Forest Data Library


Gifford Pinchot National Forest
10600 N.E. 51st Circle
Vancouver, WA 98682
(360) 891-5000
TTY: (360) 891-5003

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Geographic Information Systems

Welcome to the Gifford Pinchot National Forest GIS Data Dictionary. This page contains metadata, or data about data, for our spatial data sets. The data sets are organized by theme which are shown in the table of contents frame.  For example, if you are interested in a data set that has to do with water, just click on the water link in the table of contents.

The Metadata will explain geographic information about the data set, who the data steward is, how the data set was built, and other associated information. It will also describe the database tables that are associated with the data set. Please contact the data steward if you have questions about the content of the data.  Their phone number is included within the data dictionary.

Data files served on this site are ArcInfo .e00 format, MS Geodatabases, or shapefiles that have been compressed with WinZip.  Unless stated otherwise, the export file size is less than 1 megabyte.  Projection is a local Albers projection defined for the area of Oregon and Washington in Region 6 of the Forest Service, NAD 83, units are in meters. 


Contact (509) 395-3366 for questions about the metadata information or availability of additional data.

USDA Forest Service - R6 Data Library
Last Modified: Wednesday, 09 July 2008 at 18:43:24 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.