For Immediate Release
November 21, 2005
Contact: Jay Staunton: 202.225.3327
Honda Secures Funds for Gang Task Force Youth Center
Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Mike Honda (D-San José) today announced that he succeeded in securing $100,000 for the Gilroy Gang Task Force Youth Center in the Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies appropriations bill.


The Justice Department portion of the fiscal year 2006 spending bill contains $100,000 in funding from the Juvenile Justice Discretionary Grants program for the Gilroy Gang Task Force Youth Center.  These funds will help the Gang Task Force undertake major renovations, as well as expand access and activities at the center.


“I’m happy to deliver this federal funding to improve the Gang Task Force Youth Center and begin the fundraising work necessary to make the Youth Center a reality,” Honda said. “The Youth Center has helped reduce gang activity in the neighborhood by, among other services, providing a safe haven for kids so they will not become involved in gang activity.”


The Gilroy Gang Task Force, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, previously raised funds and purchased a building for use as a youth center, which is staffed by City of Gilroy employees and members of another local non profit. Thanks largely to the programs offered at the Youth Center, such as tutoring to area youth, gang activity has reduced significantly in the Center’s 10-year existence.


Within the NASA portion of the bill, $2 million is included for the Bio-Info-Nano Research and Development Institute at the NASA Ames Research Center to be operated in conjunction with the University of California at Santa Cruz.  This project, which was supported by many local cities, companies, and universities, will help Silicon Valley remain the nation’s leader in nanotechnology research and development.


“As a Congressional champion for nanotechnology, I am glad that I was able to help secure this funding for the Bio-Info-Nano Research and Development Institute,” Honda said. “NASA’s Center for Nanotechnology is located at the Ames Research Center, and the BIN-RDI will enable collaborations between NASA scientists and members of the academic community.  Some of the greatest promise of nanotechnology is where it will converge with biotechnology and information technology, two other fields in which the Bay Area is a leader, and this Institute will help to bring together that vast expertise and move all three fields forward.”

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