Newsroom > Statement

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Contact: Dennis   Moore (913) 383-2013

Moore statement on North Korean missle test

Congressman Dennis Moore released this statement regarding missile tests recently conducted by North Korea:

“The launch of these missiles by the North Korean regime should be condemned, as they are not only a threat to stability in the region, they are in violation of a standing moratorium on missile tests to which the regime is committed.

“While the long-range missile failed spectacularly and U.S. Central Command determined that the launches posed no threat to the U.S. or our territories, I am disappointed that the Kim Jong Il regime decided to go down this path. I was hopeful that it would cease weapons development programs in favor of greater international involvement and cooperation, particularly after it signed an agreement to do so following six-party talks in the fall of 2005. But, that seems not to be the case.

“It is important that the U.S. continue to work with the U.N. and allies in the international community when deciding how to respond to this unnecessary and unwarranted provocation by the North Korean regime. Sanctions, further multilateral discussions, and other forms of diplomacy are all important and viable options that need to be considered.”
