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Denver Regional Council of Governments


Project Title: Senior-Healthy Regulatory Guidelines

Project Location: The Denver Regional Council of Governments

Applicant Information: Aging Services Division

Type of applicant: Government Agency

Total Grant: $25,000.00

Brief Summary: This project will research and recommend ways that local jurisdictions can change zoning codes to allow development styles that embrace smart-growth techniques and promote a healthy environment for older adults. Zoning codes are often cited as an impediment to innovative and environmentally beneficial development patterns. Flexible zoning codes will ensure development that improves air and water quality by reducing the consumption of natural land, the need to drive, and water pollutants. A senior-healthy environment can be achieved when smart-growth development techniques are well represented in local regulatory codes.

Environmental outcomes: DRCOG believes that, under this project, the design of the physical environment will improve as the extension of transportation and service infrastructure to new development is reduced. Open space will be preserved and air quality and water quality will improve.

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