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NASA Privacy Act System of Records Notices (SORNs)
SORN No.TitleFederal Register Publication
NASA 10ACMQAircraft Crewmembers' Qualifications and Performance RecordsPDF
NASA 10BRPABiographical Records for Public AffairsPDF
NASA 10EEOREqual Opportunity RecordsPDF
NASA 10FNMS NASA Foreign National Management SystemPDF
NASA 10GMVPGovernment Motor Vehicle Operators Permit RecordsPDF
NASA 10HABCHistory Archives Biographical CollectionPDF
NASA 10HERDHuman Experimental and Research Data RecordsPDF
NASA 10HIMSHealth Information Management SystemPDF
NASA 10IGICInspector General Investigations Case FilesPDF
NASA 10NPPSNASA Personnel and Payroll SystemsPDF
NASA 10ORISOccupational Radiation Information SystemPDF
NASA 10SCCFStandards of Conduct Counseling Case FilesPDF
NASA 10SECRSecurity Records SystemPDF
NASA 10SPERSpecial Personnel RecordsPDF
NASA 10XROIExchange Records on IndividualsPDF
GSFC 51EUID Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS)PDF
GSFC 51LISTSLocator and Information Services Tracking System (LISTS)PDF
JSC 72XOPRJohnson Space Center Exchange Activities RecordsPDF
KSC 76STCSKennedy Space Center Shuttle Training Certification System (YC-04)PDF
NASA 10IEM1Integrated Enterprise Management Program (IEMP)—Core Financial SystemPDF
N/AUpdated NASA SOR Routine UsesPDF