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China-Burma-India: WWII's Forgotten Theater (Experiencing War, Stories from the Veterans History Project, Library of Congress)
Flying the Hump Image of China-Burma-India Theater
Merrill's Marauders
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The China-Burma-India Theater took a back seat to Europe and the Pacific in terms of manpower, resources and press coverage. But its stories of daring pilots who “flew the hump” of the mighty Himalayas, freewheeling guerrilla fighters known as Merrill’s Marauders, dedicated nurses fending off amorous advances, and crafty intelligence agents cutting deals with natives in three diverse countries were as colorful as those from the more heavily documented areas of World War II. The stories are not a formal history of war, but a treasure trove of individual feelings and personal recollections. Please join our effort by sending us your own recollections and memories. Each contribution makes this project all the more priceless. Learn how you can participate in The Veterans History Project.
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  1. Courage, Patriotism, Community
  2. Sweethearts, Buddies, Family Ties
  3. Life-Altering Moments, On a Mission,
    Hurry Up & Wait
  4. D-Day Anniversary
  5. Prisoners of War
  6. Voices of War (Companion Web site)
  7. Military Medicine
  8. War's End: VE- and VJ-Days
  9. Stories from the 2004 WWII Reunion on the Mall
  10. Forever a Soldier (Companion Web site)
  11. African-Americans at War: Fighting Two Battles
  12. Military Intel: the Inside Story
  13. The Art of War
  14. Women at War
  15. Asian Pacific Americans: Going for Broke
  16. World War I: The Great War
  17. The War (Companion to the Ken Burns Series)

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  The Library of Congress
  July 10, 2008
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