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Contact: Joe Brenckle - Republican Press Office 202-224-3991
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Inouye, Stevens Introduce Communications R&D Bill
Bill Establishes Research Program within NSF, Accelerates Spectrum Pilot Program
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In an effort to restore America’s competitive edge in communications research and development, Commerce Committee Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) today introduced the  Advanced Information and Communications Technology Research Act, S. 1493. The Act establishes a communications research and development program within the National Science Foundation (NSF) and requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to accelerate a spectrum pilot program.
            “Historically, Bell Labs led the way in communications research and development, but with greater competition and fewer dollars for research, the pace of innovation in the United States is no longer as swift or as certain,” said Chairman Inouye. “Rededicating our efforts to the pursuit of innovation through basic, fundamental research can begin to restore our nation’s historic leadership in this critical industry.”
            “The United States has been a world leader both economically and technologically thanks to bold inventions and innovations,” said Vice Chairman Stevens. “This bill would help guarantee this tradition continues. Congress can do its part by supporting vital research and development programs which keep America on the cutting edge.”
            The new NSF program focuses on the research and development of affordable advanced communications services. The Act authorizes $40 million for the program in Fiscal Year (FY) 2008, increasing in $5 million increments to reach $60 million by FY 2012. It also creates a Federal Advanced Information and Communications Technology Board within the NSF to advise the new program on research topics.
            Additionally, the Advanced Information and Communications Technology Research Act requires the NTIA and the FCC to initiate a spectrum pilot program. The program, to be initiated within 1 year of enactment, makes a portion of the spectrum available for shared use between Federal and non-Federal government users.
            The bill language is attached.
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