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December 05, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Majority Leader Hoyer: Republican Jobs Report Outrageous and Dishonest

WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in response to a report entitled "Democrats' War on American Jobs" that was issued by the House Republican Leadership on Democratic policies to grow the economy:

“This kind of language when American troops are in harm’s way is outrageous, and demeans the sacrifice of our servicemen and women. 
"The fact is job creation during Republican rule in Washington over the past six years was somewhere between anemic and pathetic.  The Bush economy has shed millions of jobs, the average household income is down, and costs for health care, college and gas are skyrocketing. 
"Democrats have already restored fiscal responsibility to Washington, and enacted tax cuts for small businesses, a landmark bill to reduce the cost of college, and an Innovation Agenda to boost the economy.  We are poised to pass an energy bill that will reduce costs to consumers while creating quality jobs.  Finally, we are working very hard to overcome Republican obstruction of a health care bill to insure 10 million low-income children and a bill to protect middle-class Americans from the Alternative Minimum Tax while providing other middle class tax relief. 
"Republicans should stop their obstruction of our positive, new direction American agenda, and work with us in a bipartisan way in the interests of all Americans.”
