This Card Center provides mail-in service or the option to visit a contact station for residents
of the following ZIP codes: 89001, 89003, 89008, 89010, 89013, 89017, 89020, 89022, 89023, 89042, 89043, 89045,
89047, and 89049.
Visiting a contact station is an option for residents of the following ZIP codes:
89021, 89024, 89025, 89027, 89040, 89041, 89048, 89060, and 89061.
* If you live far away from the city or town in which the local office is located,
our staff makes regular visits to outlying areas. We make visits to locations called
contact stations. You can obtain a schedule of these visits from the nearest Social
Security office. You can also telephone the nearest Social Security office or call
our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213, to obtain prompt answers to questions or to
apply for benefits.