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President's FY 2008 Budget

President Bush submitted his budget for fiscal year 2008 to Congress on Monday, February 5. 


Budget Analysis:

House Budget Committee Summary and Analysis of the President's FY 2008 Budget

House Budget Committee Instant Analysis of the President's FY 2008 Budget

JEC FY 2008 State-by-State Budget Fact Sheets

Speaker's State-by-State Report on President's FY 2008 Budget

Speaker Pelosi's Overview Fact Sheet on the President's FY 2008 Budget

Misplaced Priorities: The Bush Budget Top Ten List

House Appropriations Committee: Comparing Bush's Budget to the Joint Funding Resolution and the FY07 Defense and Homeland Security Bills


Budget Analysis by Issue Area:

Economy & Innovation


Energy & Global Warming

Environment & Natural Resources

Health Care

Homeland Security

Iraq & Afghanistan Supplementals for FY07 and FY08

Rural Communities


The Independent Budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs

Women's Issues

African Americans

Asian Americans

Hispanic Americans


The Democratic Response:

Democratic Leadership and Committee Chairs Respond to President's Budget


Budget Cuts:

Program Terminations

Major Program Reductions


Senate Budget Fact Sheets:

Fact Check: President Bush's Budget

The Bush Budget: More Debt, Deception and Unfairness for the Middle Class

Will the President's Budget Prioritize Fiscal Responsibility?

Health Care: Will the President's Budget Pay for America's Priorities?

Education: Will the President's Budget Pay for America's Priorities?


Budget Hearings:

Ways and Means Budget Hearing with Secretary Henry Paulson