Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
District of Columbia

Advancements and Continual Challenges in the Parole, Supervised Release, and Revocation of DC Code Offenders

The hearing will examine how the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997 is being implemented with respect to the District’s parole, supervised release, and revocation systems. We will seek to determine whether the changes made have been positive, and whether additional changes are warranted.

The following witnesses are slated to testify:

Panel I

Tyrone Brown, Previously Incarcerated, Hope Village Residential Reentry Center

Panel II

Paul Quander, Director, Court Services & Offender Supervision Agency

Chief Isaac Fulwood, Commissioner of the United States Parole Commission

Avis E. Buchanan, Director, Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia

James Austin, Ph.D., President, The JFA Institute

Panel III

George Snyder, Warden, Rivers Correctional Institution

Panel IV

Rufus King, Chief Judge, D.C. Superior Court

Betty Ballester, President. D.C. Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association