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Landscaping with Native Plants

Exploring the Environmental, Social and Economic Benefits Conference:  December 6 - 7, 2004

This is a two-day scientific conference to explore the state of knowledge for quantifying the benefits of landscaping with native plants with a focus on the Great Lakes basin ecosystem.

Scientists will present a series of survey papers examining native plant landscaping and:

  • Biodiversity
  • Air quality
  • Controlled Burn Emissions
  • Carbon Sequestration
  • Hydrology
  • Pesticide and Fertilizer Impacts
  • Economics
  • Public perception
  • Ethical and Aesthetic Context

Conference participants will be called upon to take an active role in identifying key gaps in the current knowledge base, and in defining future research priorities.

Participants will include: Landscape Architects, Botanists, Economists, Government Officials, Landscaping Contractors, Ecologists, Hydrologists, Engineers, Property Owners, and other individuals with an interest in native landscaping.

Cost: $75
Location: DePaul University Student Center, 2250 N. Sheffield, Chicago, Illinois

Scholarships may be available; please contact registration staff to request a scholarship and to provide information.


To register, please visit:
or call 312-996-6904.


  Danielle Green (312) 886-7594
  Jim Van der Kloot (312) 353-3161

This conference is sponsored by DePaul University, Environmental Science Program, and Institute for Nature and Culture, City of Chicago Department of the Environment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago Wilderness, and Gutsgell Foundation.



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