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ACEEE Buildings Program

High Performance Buildings Save Money, Avoid Pollution, and
Improve Comfort and Indoor Air Quality.

We promote the development and widespread adoption of energy efficiency improvements in buildings, appliances, and other equipment used in buildings. We identify promising emerging technologies, carry out analyses of technical and economic potential, develop and operate market transformation programs, and work to strengthen codes and standards for high performance products and systems. We publish documents for consumers, designers, program officials, and the policy community.

Residential Buildings and Equipment
Research and technical resources on energy savings potential for residential building systems and equipment.

ACEEE regularly contributes to federal and state policies regarding:
Commercial Buildings and Equipment
Research and technical resources on energy-saving measures for commercial building systems and equipment.
Market Transformation
Efforts to accelerate the market penetration of more efficient products and practices.
Emerging Technologies and Practices
Ongoing research on the most promising innovations for both residential and commercial equipment.
Reports, Publications, Filings
A complete listing of Buildings Program products and contributions








For more information contact:
Harvey Sachs, Senior Fellow
Jennifer Thorne Amann, Program Director
Amanda Korane, Research Staff
Jacob Talbot, Research Staff


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