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Table 5a. Economic and Physical Indicators for the Forest Products Industry, 1985-1998  
Forest Products (SIC 24, 26)
Physical Units 1985 1988 1991 1994 1998
SIC 24 (billion board feet) 36.4 44.6 39.9 46.5 46.6
SIC 26 (million tons) 120.0 136.4 141.7 153.6 158.7
Nominal Economic Indicators (current $ billion)
Value of Shipments 151.8 194.9 200.6 247.2 278.4
Gross Output 170.3 195.0 199.5 244.7 275.6
Gross Domestic Product 64.2 76.7 75.0 89.9 97.6
Value Added  1 61.5 86.4 85.3 104.2 112.0
Industrial Production 61.5 86.4 85.3 104.2 122.5
Real Economic Indicators (1998 $ billion)
Value of Shipments 2 220.2 248.4 240.0 264.2 278.4
Gross Output 2 247.2 248.7 238.7 261.6 275.6
Gross Domestic Product3 102.5 105.0 96.4 101.5 97.6
Value Added 3 97.0 115.4 107.9 118.7 112.0
Industrial Production 4 81.7 102.2 102.0 112.7 122.5

1 Value added for 1998 was derived by adjusting the 1996 value added by the change in GDP by Industry between 1996-1998.
2 Value of shipments and Gross Output in 1998 dollars were converted using gross output implicit price deflators for SIC 24 and 26.
3 Value added and GDP in 1998 dollars were converted using GDP implicit price deflators for SIC 24 and 26.
4 Industrial Production in 1998 dollars obtained by rebasing 1992=100 Industrial production index to 1998=100.
Sources:  Physical Units: U.S. Bureau of Census, MA24T-- Lumber Production and Mill Stocks. 1992 Annual Report, MA24T(92)-1.  http://www.census.gov/industry/ma24t92.txt   (opens a new window) ;  MA24T -- Lumber Production and Mill Stocks, 1993. http://www.census.gov/industry/ma24t93.txt  (opens a new window) ; Lumber Production and Mill Stocks. MA321T(98)-1(MA24T(98)-1).  Issued November 1999; Pulp & Paper 1999-2000, North  American
Factbook -- Industry Overview: United States. 1999.  Miller Freeman, Inc.; Economic Indicators: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 1977-2000 Gross Output by Detailed Industry (NDN-0288); U.S. Census Bureau,  Annual Survey of Manufactures   http://www.census.gov/prod/2/manmin/m3/m3-96a.pdf  (opens a new window) ; Federal Reserve Board, data obtained from Kristen T. Hamdan of the Federal Reserve Board.

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For specific questions about  "Manufacturing Sector Energy Trend Data", please contact:

Behjat Hojjati

Phone: 202-586-1068
Fax:  202-586-0018

For specific questions about the Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey, please contact:

Robert Adler
Manufacturing Survey Manager


Phone: 202-586-1134
Fax:  202-586-0018

Release Date:  October 2004 

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URL:   http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/efficiency/mecs_trend.htm/table_5a_trend.htm