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Table 4a. Value of Shipments by Selected Industries, 1985-1998
(Billion 1998 Dollars)
SIC Group 1985 1988 1991 1994 1998
20 Food and Kindred Products 383 412 427 448 488
21 Tobacco Manufactures 37 39 38 37 40
22 Textile Mill Products 67 72 69 81 80
23 Apparel and Other Textile Products 72 76 73 80 79
24 Lumber and Wood Products 90 104 94 104 115
25 Furniture and Fixtures 42 49 46 54 66
26 Paper and Allied Products 130 144 147 160 164
27 Printing and Publishing 171 206 201 203 212
28 Chemicals and Allied Products 273 329 341 359 403
29 Petroleum and Coal Products 131 129 128 128 137
30 Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastics Products 82 105 112 141 165
31 Leather and Leather Products 13 11 9 10 9
32 Stone, Clay and Glass Products 69 77 69 78 93
33 Primary Metal Industries 144 154 144 165 186
34 Fabricated Metal Products 175 191 176 204 241
35 Industrial Machinery and Equipment 159 191 190 254 419
36 2 Electronic and Other Electric Equipment 150 117 127 182 346
37 1 Transportation Equipment 362 428 405 460 551
38 2 Instruments and Related Products 48 135 142 142 160
39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries 38 43 43 47 52
      Manufacturing 2,635 3,013 2,980 3,337 4,005

1 Implicit Price Deflators for SIC 37 are the weighted average of the deflators for SIC 371 and SIC 372-379 based on Gross Output.
2 For 1985, individual deflators are not available for SIC 36 and 38, and the combined deflator  for "Electronic equipment and Instruments" (SIC 36, 38) is used.
Note: Deflators were rebased from 1996 to1998 by dividing by the 1998 deflators.
Sources: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 1977-2000 Gross Output by Detailed Industry (NDN-0288); GO Deflators for double-deflated industries in Bureau Economic Analysis.

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For specific questions about  "Manufacturing Sector Energy Trend Data", please contact:

Stephanie J. Battles

Phone: 202-586-7237
Fax:  202-586-0018

Release Date:  September 2004 

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URL:   http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/efficiency/mecs_trend.htm/table_4a_trend.htm